
Top Identities Report

The Top Identities report lists your organization's most active identities, based on DNS requests, over the selected time period.

Table of Contents


View the Top Identities Report

  1. Navigate to Reporting > Additional Reports > Top Identities.

Report Fields

  • Identity—The identity. Clicking an individual identity will bring you to the Identity Details for that identity.
  • Requests—The number of requests the identity sent for the selected time period.
  1. Select a time frame to view the Top Identities report.
    The report can be filtered by the last 24 hours, yesterday, the last 7 days, last 30 days, or a custom range within the last 30 days.
  1. Filter by response type. Select Allowed or Blocked. By default, nothing is selected, so all responses are shown.
  1. Choose the identity types to show. By default, none are selected, so all are shown.

You can also search for an identity by name, domain, or URL.

  1. Filter by security categories. By default, none are selected, so all are shown. For more information about security categories, see Manage Security Settings.
  1. Filter by content categories. By default, none are selected, so all are shown. For a complete list of content categories, see Manage Content Categories.

View Identity in Other Reports

Each line in the report includes a menu displayed as three dots. Click this menu to reveal options for the selected identity:


Category Details < Top Identities Report > Identity Details