
Verify and Debug

This section includes information on:

Verification Steps

To verify the deployment:

  1. Verify if the DoH Template and Salt configured on Google Admin Console are propagated to the device. For this:

    1. Ensure that the user is in the same organizational unit as the one in which the salt value and the DoH templates are configured.
    2. From the Chrome browser on the Chromebook device, go to chrome://policy.
    3. Search for DNS and check the values of properties: DnsOverHttpsSalt and DnsWithHttpsTemplatesWithIdentifiers.
  2. Verify if the DoH Template resolution with the Email id or Serial number is as configured on the DoH Template. Go to Chromebook Setting > Security and Privacy > Use Secure DNS.

  1. Verify if malicious websites are getting blocked. Go to and check if it is blocked.

Debugging Steps

To debug:

  1. On Google Admin Console, navigate to Devices > Chrome > Settings > Users & Browsers.
  1. Select the Organizational Unit and in the Filter search for Developer Tools.
  1. Set Always allow use of built-in developer tools.



Once you are done with debugging, ensure that you disable the Developer Tools.

Deploy the Chromebook Client > Verify and Debug > Protection Status