
Exact Data Match Field Types

When creating an Exact Data Match (EDM) template, you must choose an EDM type for each field provided. The EDM types are similar to the Built-in Data Identifiers in that specific patterns must be found to match the identifier. Unlike built-in identifiers, EDM types do not use keywords to find data matches.

Supported EDM Types

  • ABA Routing Number (US)— A 9-digit number used by banks to identify specific financial institutions in the United States.
  • Alphanumeric—Up to 6 words composed of 1 and 2-byte UTF-8 encoded characters, delimited by spaces.
  • Bank Account Number (US)—A 5-digit number denoting a bank account number issued in the United States.
  • Carte nationale d’identité sécurisée – CNIS (France)—A 12-digit number denoting the French national identity card number.
  • Credit Card Number - Strict—A valid 15 or 16-digit credit card number that passes the Luhn validation and includes any of the following delimiters: space, no space, ~, or -.
  • Date—A date value matching one of the following formats where the <delimiter> is no space, /, or -. :
  • the European format of <dd><delimiter><mm><delimiter><yyyy> or
  • the American format of <mm><delimiter><dd><delimiter><yyyy>
  • Email Address—A valid email address using ASCII characters.
  • Fiscal Identification Number – Número de identificación fiscal – NIF (Spain)— A number issued to Spanish nationals for identification purposes. The pattern matches<dddddddd><a> where:
    • ais any ASCII alphabet letter from a to z
    • d is any ASCII digit from 0 to 9
  • ICD Code—A number matching the pattern of one of the typical International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes.
  • Individual Taxpayer Identification Number – ITIN (US)—A United States tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The pattern must match the format of <ddd><delimiter><dd><delimiter><dddd> where:
    • d is any ASCII digit from 0 to 9
    • <delimiter> is a space, no space, ~, or -
  • International Bank Account Number – IBAN (UK)—An international bank account number for the UK. The pattern matches a format of <aadd><delimiter><aaaadddd><delimiter><dddd><delimiter><dddd><delimiter><dd> where:
    • ais any ASCII alphabet letter from a to z
    • d is any ASCII digit from 0 to 9
    • <delimiter> is a space, no space, ~, or -
  • IP Address—A valid IPv4 address.
  • National Drug Code Number (NDC)—Segments of the National Drug Code (NDC) used in the united States to identify drugs for human use. The pattern matches a format of <ddddd><delimiter><ddd><delimiter><dd> where:
    • ais any ASCII alphabet letter from a to z
    • d is any ASCII digit from 0 to 9
    • <delimiter> is ~ or -
  • National Insurance Number – NINO (UK)—An identification number issued to individuals by the United Kingdom Department for Work and Pensions. The pattern matches with a format of <aa><delimiter><dd><delimiter><dd><delimiter><dda> where:
    • ais any ASCII alphabet letter from a to z
    • d is any ASCII digit from 0 to 9
    • <delimiter> is a space, no space, ~, -, or .
  • Passport Number (UK)—An identification number that serves as proof of nationality or immigration status in the United Kingdom. The pattern must match one of the following formats:
    • a 9-digit number
    • <ddddddddd>GBR<ddddddd>U<ddddddd> where d is any ASCII digit from 0 to 9
  • Passport Number (US)—An identification number issued to citizen and non-citizen nationals of the United states. The pattern must match a format of <ddddddddd>USA<ddddddd>U<ddddddd> where d is any ASCII digit from 0 to 9.
  • Postcode (UK)— A number matching the typical UK postal code patterns, where the number can include a space between the inward and outward segments.
  • Social Security Number - INSEE (France)National identification numbers for The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies issued at birth to French nationals. The number can be 12 or 15 digits. The pattern matches a format of
    • d is any ASCII digit from 0 to 9
    • is a space, no space, ~
  • Social Security Number (US) – Strict—An identification number issued in the United States to citizens, permanent residents, and temporary working residents. The pattern matches<aaa><delimiter><dd><delimiter><dddd> where:
    • d is any ASCII digit from 0 to 9
    • <delimiter> is a space, no space, ~, -, or .

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