File Types to Block
The following file types are blockable in the Web policy.
Note: To have a file type added to this list that is not yet part of a group, contact [email protected].
Audio | Compressed | Data and Database | Disc and Media | Documents | Executable | Image | System-related | Video |
aif cda m4a mid mp3 mpa ram snd wav wma wpl | 7z arj deb gz pak pkg rar rar rpm tar.gz tbz z zip | csv dat db log mdb nzb sav sql tar torrent | dmg iso toast vcd | doc docm docx dotm pop potm pptx rtf tex xls xlsm xlsx | apk bat bin cgi com dll exe hta jar js moo msi pif pl prg py sh swf vb vbs vm wsf | ai bmp gif ico jpeg jpg png ps psd rm svg tif tiff | bak cab cpl cur drv emu icns ini ps1 scr sys tmp | avi flv gat h264 m4v mkv mov mp4 mpeg qtm rm rv ssm vob wmv |
Enable File Type Control < File Types to Block > Review File Type Controls Through Reports
Updated 5 months ago