Asia Personal Identifiers
The Asia PII Policy matches personal identifiers from Asian countries. The policy matches the identifier within the same country as listed below. The identifier must be within 10 terms of proximity keywords specific to the identifier.
Table of Contents
- Personal Identifiers Covered in the Policy
- China
- Hong Kong
- Indonesia
- Malaysia
- Philippines
- Singapore
- Vietnam
Asia Common PII Formats
Birth DateBirth dates are often a
- (dd) day; (mm) month; (yy) year represented by 6 digits with or without delimiters:
- In some cases the century is encoded in the year of birth and the gender may be encoded in the month. These specifications vary per country and are detailed below.
Driver's License, Passport Numbers and Personal Identification Numbers (e.g. TIN, EGN, OIB, NIF etc)
- numerical digits
- letter
- alphanumeric
International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
- Two-digit country ISO code + two checksum digits + Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN)
- All IBANs are digits only
- BBAN is broken down into:
- National bank codec
- account numbers
- branch codex
- national check digit
Value Added Tax Number VAT and Tax ID Number (TIN)
-numerical digits
- letter
- alphanumeric
Personal Identifiers Covered in the Policy
The chart below depicts the various identifiers covered by the policy and those that are not.
Below the chart is a breakdown of each country and the identifiers monitored within.
Country | National Identity Card Number | CPF Number | Passport Number | Driver License Number | Tax ID Number | VAT ID Number | Phone number | Postcode | License Plate Number | IBAN | Bank Account Number | Routing Number | Business Number | Company Number |
China | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Hong Kong | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||
Indonesia | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||||
Malaysia | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |||
Philippines | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||
Singapore | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||
Vietnam | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
National Identity Card Number
Format: ddddddddddddmmdddddd
dddddd ddddmmdddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
NIN# | 国民身份证号码 | 身份证号 |
Passport Number
Specific leading digits followed by seven digits format: ddddddddd
One letter followed by eight digitsldddddddd
Two letters followed by seven digitsllddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
国际旅行证件 | 护照详细信息 | 签证 |
国民身份证 | 旅行证件 | 发证机关 |
身份证件 | 身份证明 | 护照 ID |
护照号码 | 护照 |
Driver License Number
Format: dddddd-dddd-dd-dd-ddd-d
dddddd dddd dd dd ddd d
dddddd dd dd dd ddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
带照片的执照 | 实习驾照 | 驾照持有人 |
执照持有人 | 驾照号 | 执照号 |
正式驾照 | 汽车驾照 | 驾照 |
汽车驾驶执照 | 驾驶执照 | DVLA |
Tax ID Number
15 digits format: ddddddddddddddd
18 digits dddddddddddddddddd
17 digits followed b X dddddddddddddddddX
One letter {C, W, H, M, T} followed by 17 digits Cddddddddddddddddd
One letter {C, W, H, M, T} followed by 16 digits and one letter Wdddddddddddddddddl
One letter followed by 14 digits Jdddddddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
税务识别号 | 税务登记号 | 税务识别码 |
税务文件 | 税务识别号# | 税务识别号 |
税务ID# | 税务识别码 | 税务识别ID |
税务身份证明# | 税务号# | 税务号 |
TIN | 税号 |
VAT ID Number
18 digits format: dddddddddddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
增值税税号 | 增值税# | VAT |
Phone Number
Format: ddddddddddd
The regex validates two formats for China phone numbers:
Domestic Mobile Format: Starts with 1, followed by 3, 5, or 8, and has 9 more digits.
International Format:
- Includes the +86 country code.
- Optionally separates the digits with spaces for readability.
+86 138 1234 5678
Keywords include but are not limited to:
手机号码 | 电话号 |
Six digits format: dddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
地址 | 邮政编码 | 邮政编码 地区 |
邮政编码 |
License Plate Number
Format: l.llll
ll l dddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
车牌号 | 车辆登记号码 | 车号 |
牌照 |
12 digits format: dddddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
国际银行账号 | 国际银行账户 | IBAN |
Bank Account Number
11 digits format: ddddddddddd
15 digits ddddddddddddddd
19 digits ddddddddddddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
银行帐号 | 银行详细信息 | 账户代码 |
账户ID | 账户号码 |
Routing Number
12 digits format: dddddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
路由号码 | 路由号 | 路由# |
Business Number
Starting with 91 and followed by 16 digits format: 91dddddddddddddddd
18 digits xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Starting with 92 and followed by 16 digits 92dddddddddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
统一社会信用代码 | 中国商业号码 | 商业ID# |
商业ID | 商业号码# | 商业号码 |
Company Number
Starting with 91 and followed by 16 digits format: 91dddddddddddddddd
18 digits xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Starting with 92 and followed by 16 digits 92dddddddddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
统一社会信用代码 | 中国公司号码# | 公司识别号码 |
公司注册号码 | 公司号码 |
Hong Kong
National Identity Card Number
Format: ldddddd
ldddddd (d)
ldddddd (l)
Keywords include but are not limited to:
HKID | 身份證明文件號碼 | 身份證號碼 |
身份證 ID |
Passport Number
Format: lddddddl
Keywords include but are not limited to:
國際旅行身份證明 | 護照資料 | 簽證 |
身份證 | 旅行證件 | 身份證明文件 |
身份證明 | 護照號碼 | 護照 ID |
護照 |
Driver License Number
Format: ldddddd
ldddddd l
Keywords include but are not limited to:
駕駛執照號碼 | 新手司機 | 駕駛執照持有者 |
实习驾照 | 駕駛執照 | DVLA |
Phone Number
Format: ddd dddd dddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
手機號碼 | 電話號碼 | |
Format: dddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
地址 | 郵區 | 郵域 |
郵政區域 | 郵政部門 |
License Plate Number
Format: lddd
l ddd
l dddd
ll dddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
車牌號碼 | 車牌 | 車輛登記號碼 |
登記號碼 |
Bank Account Number
Format: dddddddddd
dd ddddddddd
dddddd ddd
dddddd ddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
銀行戶口號碼 | 銀行戶口 | 銀行資料 |
銀行號碼 | 帳戶代碼 | 帳戶 ID |
帳戶號碼 | 編號帳戶 |
Routing Number
Format: lllllddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
銀行匯款路徑# | 匯款路徑號碼 | 匯款路徑# |
Business Number
Format: dddddddd-dddd-mm-dd-l
dddddddd dddd mm dd l
Keywords include but are not limited to:
香港商業號碼 | HKBN# | 商業ID# |
商業號碼# |
Company Number
Format: dddddddd-dddd-mm-dd-l
dddddddd dddd mm dd l
Keywords include but are not limited to:
香港公司號碼# | 公司識別號碼 | 公司註冊號碼 |
公司號碼 |
Driver's License Number
- Format with 16 digits
Matches a 16-digit number with optional hyphens, where:
are 4 digits.dd
are 2
is month (01-12).dddddd
are 6 digits.
- Format with 14 digits
Matches a format with 1 uppercase letter followed by a numeric sequence, where:
is 1 letter (prefix).dddd
are 4
is month (01-12).ddddd
are 5 digits.
- Format with 13 digits
Matches a numeric only version similar to the first part but with 5 digits at the end, where:
are 4 digits.dd
are 2
is month (01-12).ddddd
are 5 digits.
- Format with 12 digits
Matches an 8-digit number starting with 2 digits followed by a month and then 8 digits, where:
are 2
is month (01-12).dddddddd
are 8 digits.
- Format with 16 digits
Matches a format where 6 digits are followed by a valid day and month, then 6 more digits.
are 6 digits.dd
is day (01-31).mm
is month (01-12).dddddd
are 6 digits.
Keywords include but are not limited to:
SIM | surat izin mengemudi kendaraan bermotor, | surat izin mengemudi kendaraan |
izin mengemudi | surat mengemudi | surat izin mengemudi |
surat izin berkendara |
Tax ID Number
- Format with 16 digits
are 16 digits.
- Format with 16 digits
is usually a prefix.dd
is a valid day (01-31, or 40 for a special case).mm
is a valid month (01-12).yy
is a 2-digit year.d-d-d-d
is a 3-4 digit suffix, which may be separated by spaces or hyphens.
Keywords include but are not limited to:
Nomor pendaftaran wajib pajak | Nomor wajib pajak | nomor identifikasi pajak |
nomor identitas pajak | nomor pajak | kode identifikasi pajak |
file pajak | no identifikasi pajak | no pajak |
nomor registrasi pajak | nomor id pajak | nomoridpajak |
id pajak | idpajak | noidpajak |
nomorpajak | nopajak | id npwp |
no npwp | npwp | NPWP |
NIN | SIM | Nomor KTP |
No KTP | Nomor Induk Kependudukan | NIK |
no kartu tanda penduduk | nomor identifikasi nasional | nomor kartu tanda penduduk |
id nasional |
VAT ID Number
15 digits format:dd.ddd.ddd.d-ddd.ddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
no. ppn | nomor ppn | nomor pajak pertambahan nilai |
pajak pertambahan nilai | no ppn | ppn# |
Phone Number
Format with 10 to 13 digits ddddddddddddd
The regular expression matches valid Indonesian phone numbers, which can include:
- Optional country code: The phone number can either start with the country code (+62) or (62) at the beginning.
- Local dialing code: (0) used for local dialing within Indonesia.
- Valid operator prefixes: The prefixes that are valid such as 81, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, and landline area codes like 21 (for Jakarta).
- The phone number must be followed by exactly 4 digits, then optional separator(s) (space or hyphen), and then between 3 to 5 final digits.
+62 812 3456 7890
0823 456 789
0855 12345 6789
Keywords include but are not limited to:
nomor telepon | no. telepon | no telp |
nomor ponsel | Nomor hand phone | No hp |
nomor hp |
Post code
Five digits format: ddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
alamat | distrik kode pos | area kode pos |
unit kode pos | sektor kode pos | address |
postcode | kode pos |
License Plate Number
Format: l dddd ll
Keywords include but are not limited to:
no. registrasi | no. plat | nomor surat izin |
nomor plat surat izin | plat surat izin | Nomor plat |
Plat nomor | nomor registrasi |
Bank Account Number
Eight or 16 digits format: dddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
nomor rekening bank | detail bank | nomor bank |
kode rekening | id rekening | nomor rekening |
Nomor akun bank | rekening bernomor |
Routing Number
Seven digits format:ddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
nomor perutean | perutean bank# | perutean bank |
no perutean | perutean # | perutean# |
perutean | kode ngresiki | Nomor kode bank |
Clearing Code | RTN |
Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB)
13 digits format:ddddddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
NIB | nomor bisnis | nb# |
nb | ID bisnis | idbisnis# |
idbisnis | nobisnis# | nobisnis |
Nomor Induk Perusahaan | Nomor perusahaan | Nomor Induk Berusaha |
no bisniss |
Driver's License Number
Format: ll ddd ddd
dd ddd ddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
lesen kad foto | pemandu pelajar | pemegang lesen |
nombor lesen | license holder | learner driver |
driver's license | lesen memandu | lesen pemandu |
Tax ID Number
Format: ll ddddddddddd
l dddddddddddd
ll dddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
nombor pengenalan cukai | nombor identiti cukai | kod pengenalan cukai |
nombor pendaftaran cukai | no pengenalan cukai | fail cukai |
nombor id cukai | nomborcukai# | nomborcukai |
noidcukai# | noidcukai | nocukai# |
nocukai | idcukai# | idcukai |
id tin | no tin | tin# |
VAT ID Number
Format dddddddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
nombor cukai nilai tambah | cukai nilai tambah | sales and service Tax |
SST | GST | Cukai jualan dan Perkhidmatan |
nombor vat | no. vat | no. vat |
vat# | VAT |
Phone Number
Format dd dddddddd
This regex validates Malaysia phone numbers in two formats:
- A 2-digit area code followed by 8 digits (optional space or hyphen).
03 12345678
- A 3-digit area code followed by 7 digits (optional space or hyphen).
082 1234567
Keywords include but are not limited to:
nombor telefon mudah alih | nombor telefon bimbit | nombor telefon |
no telefon |
Five digits format: ddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
alamat | daerah poskod | kawasan poskod |
unit poskod | sektor poskod | poskod |
Post code |
License Plate Number
Format: ld ddddl
lll dddd
ldd ddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
nombor plat lesen | nombor lesen | plat lesen |
plate number | registration number | vehicle registration number |
vehicle plate number | pendaftaran kenderaan | no. pendaftaran |
no. plat. | nombor pendaftaran |
Keywords include but are not limited to:
Nombor Akaun Bank Antarabangsa | No akaun bank antarabangsa | SWIFT Code |
IBAN# | IBAN | BIC code |
Bank Account Number
Upto 20 digits format: ddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
nombor akaun bank | butiran bank | nombor bank |
kod bank | id akaun | nombor akaun |
akaun bernombor |
Routing Number
format: ddddddddd
nombor penghalaan | penghalaan bank# | no penghalaan |
penghalaan# | penghalaan | RTN |
BIC code | IBG routing |
Business Number
Format: dddddddl
ddddddd l
dddd dd dddddd
dddd dd dddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
Business registration number | nombor pendaftaran perniagaan | nombor perniagaan |
no perniagaan | ID perniagaan | idperniagaan# |
noperniagaan# | noperniagaan |
Company Number
Format: dddddddl
ddddddd l
dddd dd dddddd
dddd dd dddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
nombor pengenalan korporat | nombor pendaftaran syarikat | nombor korporat |
nombor syarikat | no syarikat# | no syarikat |
Social Security Number
Format: dd-ddddddddd-d
ddd ddddddd d
Keywords include but are not limited to:
social security number | social security no# | social security no |
social security# | social security | SSN# |
Passport Number
Format: lddddddl
Keywords include but are not limited to:
dentification for international travel | passport details | visa |
national identity card | passport number | travel document |
issuing authority | proof of identification | passportid |
passportno. | identification | passport |
Driver's License Number
format: ldd-dd-dddddd
ldd dd dddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
photocard licence | learner drivers | licence holders |
licence holder | licence number | license number |
driving licences | driving licenses | driving licence |
driving license | driver's licence | drivers licence |
driver's license | drivers license |
Tax ID Number
ddd ddd ddd ddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
tax identification number | tax identity number | tax number |
tax identification code | tax file | tax identification no |
tax no# | tax no | tax registration number |
tax id number | taxidnumber# | taxidnumber |
taxidno# | taxidno | taxid# |
taxid | taxno# | taxno |
taxnumber# | taxnumber | tax id |
tin id | tin no | tin# |
VAT ID Number
Format lldddddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
vat no. | VAT Number | value added tax number |
value added tax | vat no | vat# |
Health Insurance Number
dd ddddddddd d
Keywords include but are not limited to:
health coverage | health benefits | health care coverage |
personal health number | health registration | Health Insurance Number |
health information act |
Phone Number
The regular expression validates two main formats for Philippine phone numbers:
- Format with 10 digits
, optionally starting with 0 or +63
- Format with 10 digits
, starting with 0 or +63, followed by a 1 digit (for the second group), then a 4-digit group, a separator (space or hyphen), and a final 4-digit group.
+63 917 1234 5678
Keywords include but are not limited to:
mobile phone number | mobilephone number | mobile phone no. |
mobilephone no. | mobile number | mobilenumber |
mobile no | mobileno. | mobile |
contact number | contact no. | contact |
fax number | fax no. | cell phone number |
cellphone number | cell phone no. | cellphone no. |
cell phone | cellphone | cell number |
cellnumber | cell no. | cellno. |
whatsapp number, | whatsapp no. | |
phone number | phone no. | phone num |
telephonic number | telephone number | telephone no. |
telephone | landline number | landline no. |
landline num |
Four digits format: dddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
address | postcode district | postcode area |
postcode unit | postcode sector | postcode |
License Plate Number
Format: llldddd
lll dddd
ddd lll
Keywords include but are not limited to:
registration. no. | plate. no. | license number |
license plate number | licence plate | registration number |
Bank Account Number
12 digits format: dddddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
bank account number | bank details | bank number |
account code | account id | account number |
numbered account |
Routing Number
Nine digits format: ddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
routing number | bank routing# | bank routing |
routing # | routing no | RTN |
National Identity Card Number
Format: ldddddddl
Keywords include but are not limited to:
NIN | NRIC | national id |
national card number | national card no | Foreign Identification Number |
FIN | national registration Identity Card | national identification number, |
national identity card number |
CPF Number
Format: ldddddddl
Keywords include but are not limited to:
ID CPF | CPF code | CPF number |
central provident fund number | CPF identification number | CPF identification no |
CPF ID | ID# CPF | CPF account number |
CPF account | NRIC |
Driver License Number
Format: ldddddddl
Keywords include but are not limited to:
photocard licence | learner drivers | licence holder |
licence holders | licence number | license number |
driving licences | driving licenses | driving licence |
driving license | drivers licence | drivers license |
Tax ID Number
Format ddddddddl
l dddddl
Keywords include but are not limited to:
id tin | no. tin | tin |
tax identification number | Tax Reference Number | tax id number |
tax identity number | tax number, | Tax Identification Code |
tax file | tax identification no | tax no# |
tax no | tax registration number | taxid# |
taxidno# | taxidnumber# | taxno# |
taxnumber# | taxnumber | tin id |
tin no | tax id |
VAT Number
Format: dddddddddl
Keywords include but are not limited to:
value added tax number | value added tax | vat no. |
vat number | vat# | vat no |
Phone Number
Format: dddd-dddd
The regular expression validates Singapore phone numbers in the following formats:
Standard local format: Two sets of 4 digits, optionally separated by a space or hyphen.
1234 5678
International format: Starts with +65 (the Singapore country code), optionally followed by a space or hyphen.
+65 8123 4567
Prefix-based format: A phone number that starts with an optional 3, 6, 8, or 9, followed by two sets of 4 digits separated by a space or hyphen.
8123 5678
6123 4567
Keywords include but are not limited to:
mobilephone number | mobile phone no. | mobilephone no. |
mobile number | mobilenumber, | mobile no. |
mobileno. | mobile# | contact number |
contact no. | contact | fax number |
fax no. | cell phone number | cellphone number |
cell phone no. | cellphone no. | cell phone |
cellphone | cell number | cellnumber |
cell no. | cellno. | whatsapp number |
whatsapp no. | phone number | |
phone no. | phone num | telephonic number |
telephone number | telephone no. | telephone |
landline number | landline no. | landline num |
Format for Six digits : dddddd
- The first 2 digits must be between 01 and 82.
- The last 4 digits can be any number from 0000 to 9999.
018925 (starts with 01)
678123 (starts with 67)
781234 (starts with 78)
820456 (starts with 82)
Keywords include but are not limited to:
place of residence | postcode district | postcode area |
postcode unit | postcode sector | Zip code |
Postal code | postcode |
License Plate Number
Format: lll ddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
registration. no | plate. no. | license number |
license plate number | registration number | license plate |
Bank Accounting Number
Format: ddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
bank account number | bank details | bank number |
account code | account id | account number |
numbered account |
Routing Number
Format: ddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
Singapore routing number | routing number | bankrouting# |
routing# | routing no | RTN |
Business Number
Format: ddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
corporate identification number | company registration number | corporate number |
businessno# | businessid# | business ID |
Company Number
Format: dddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
corporate identification number | company registration number | corporate number |
company number |
Citizen ID Number
12 digits format:dddddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
NIN# | s[ốo] c[ăa]n c[ưu][ớo]c c[ôo]ng d[âa]n | s[ốo] c[ăa]n c[ưu][ớo]c |
s[ốo] ch[ứu]ng minh th[ưu] | s[ốo] th[ẻe] c[ăa]n c[ưu][ớo]c c[ôo]ng d[âa]n | c[ăa]n c[ưu][ớo]c c[ôo]ng d[âa]n |
Passport Number
Keywords include but are not limited to:
gi[ấa]y t[ờo] t[ùu]y th[âa]n cho [đd]i l[ạa]i qu[ốo]c t[ếe] | chi ti[ếe]t h[ộo] chi[ếe]u | th[ịi] th[ựu]c |
th[ẻe] c[ăa]n c[ưu][ớo]c c[ôo]ng d[âa]n | s[ốo] h[ộo] chi[ếe]u | gi[ấa]y t[ờo] [đd]i l[ạa]i |
c[ơo] quan c[ấa]p | gi[ấa]y t[ờo] t[ùu]y th[âa]n | m[ãa] h[ộo] chi[ếe]u |
s[ốo] h[ộo] chi[ếe]u | s[ốo] th[ẻe] h[ộo] chi[ếe]u | nh[ậa]n d[ạa]ng |
h[ộo] chi[ếe]u |
Driver License Number
12 digits format dddddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
nh[ữu]ng ng[ưu][ờo]i [đd]ang h[ọo]c l[áa]i xe | nh[ữu]ng ng[ưu][ờo]i c[óo] gi[ấa]y ph[ée]p | ng[ưu][ờo]i c[óo] gi[ấa]y ph[ée]p |
s[ốo] gi[ấa]y ph[ée]p l[áa]i xe | c[áa]c gi[ấa]y ph[ée]p l[áa]i xe | c[áa]c b[ằa]ng l[áa]i xe |
gi[ấa]y ph[ée]p l[áa]i xe | b[ằa]ng l[áa]i xe, gi[ấa]y ph[ée]p' c[ủu]a ng[ưu][ờo]i l[áa]i xe | b[ằa]ng c[ủu]a ng[ưu][ờo]i l[áa]i x |
s[ốo] gi[ấa]y ph[ée]p | b[ằa]ng l[áa]i |
Social Insurance Number
10 digits format: dddddddddd
ddd ddd dddd
ddd ddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
sin# | m[ãa] s[ốo] b[ảa]o hi[ểe]m x[ãa] h[ộo]i | s[ốo] b[ảa]o hi[ểe]m x[ãa] h[ộo]i |
b[ảa]o hi[ểe]m x[ãa] h[ộo]i | bh x[ãa] h[ộo]i | bhxh |
Tax ID Number
10 digits format:dddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
s[ốo] nh[ậa]n d[ạa]ng ng[ưu][ờo]i [đd][óo]ng thu[ếe] | s[ốo] x[áa]c [đd][ịi]nh ng[ưu][ờo]i n[ộo]p thu[ếe] | s[ốo] thu[ếe]# |
m[ãa] s[ốo] thu[ếe] | h[ồo] s[ơo] thu[ếe] | m[ãa] s[ốo] nh[ậa]n d[ạa]ng ng[ưu][ờo]i n[ộo]p thu[ếe] |
s[ốo] [đd][ăa]ng k[ýy] thu[ếe] | m[ãa] s[ốo] thu[ếe]# | m[ãa] s[ốo] thu[ếe] |
s[ốo] nh[ậa]n d[ạa]ng thu[ếe]# | s[ốo] thu[ếe] | s[ốo] nh[ậa]n d[ạa]ng thu[ếe] |
m[ãa] thu[ếe] | # thu[ếe] | m[ãa] tin |
s[ốo] tin | tin# | TIN |
VAT ID Number
10 digits format:dddddddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
m[ãa] s[ốo] vat | s[ốo] vat | m[ãa] s[ốo] thu[ếe] gi[áa] tr[ịi] gia t[ăa]ng |
thu[ếe] gi[áa] tr[ịi] gia t[ăa]ng | s[ốo] thu[ếe] GTGT | # vat |
Phone Number
Seven digits format: dddddddddd
The regular expression validates Vietnam phone numbers in three formats:
Local Mobile Numbers: Start with 03, 05, 07, 08, or 09 followed by 7 digits, with optional separators.
International or Landline Numbers: Include optional 84 (country code), start with 1 or 9 followed by two digits, and have separators between digit groups.
+84 91-234-5678
0912 345 678
Hanoi Landline Numbers: Start with 24 (Hanoi area code), optionally include 84, and consist of 4–5 digits grouped with separators.
024 1234 5678
Keywords include but are not limited to:
s[ốo] [đd]t | s[ốo] m[áa]y | s[ốo] [đd]i[ệe]n tho[ạa]i b[àa]n |
s[ốo] di [đd][ộo]ng | s[ốo] [đd]i[ệe]n tho[ạa]i | s[ốo] [đd]i[ệe]n tho[ạa]i di [đd][ộo]ng |
Format: ddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
[đd][ịi]a ch[ỉi] | m[ãa] b[ưu]u ch[íi]nh qu[ậa]n | m[ãa] b[ưu]u ch[íi]nh khu v[ựu]c |
m[ãa] b[ưu]u ch[íi]nh [đd][ơo]n v[ịi] | m[ãa] b[ưu]u ch[íi]nh [đd][ịi]a h[ạa]t | m[ãa] b[ưu]u ch[íi]nh |
License Plate Number
Format: ddll-ddd.dd
ddll ddd.dd
ddl dddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
s[ốo] [đd][ăa]ng k[ýy] | s[ốo] gi[ấa]y ph[ée]p | bi[ểe]n s[ốo] xe |
bi[ểe]n [đd][ăa]ng k[ýy] xe | bi[ểe]n s[ốo] | s[ốo] [đd][ăa]ng k[ýy] xe |
Bank Account Number
30 digits format: dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
This regex validates Vietnam bank account numbers that:
Consist only of digits (0–9).
Have a length between 10 and 30 digits (inclusive).
1234567890 (10 digits)
1234567890123456 (16 digits)
123456789012345678901234567890 (30 digits)
Keywords include but are not limited to:
s[ốo] t[àa]i kho[ảa]n ng[âa]n h[àa]ng | chi ti[ếe]t ng[âa]n h[àa]ng | s[ốo] ng[âa]n h[àa]ng |
m[ãa] s[ốo] t[àa]i kho[ảa]n | m[ãa] t[àa]i kho[ảa]n | s[ốo] t[àa]i kho[ảa]n |
t[àa]i kho[ảa]n theo s[ốo] |
Business Number
10 digits format: dddddddddd
ddl dddddd dd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
m[ãa] s[ốo] doanh nghi[ệe]p | s[ốo] doanh nghi[ệe]p| #dn|m[ãa] doanh nghi[ệe]p | s[ốo] nh[ậa]n d[ạa]ng doanh nghi[ệe]p |
s[ốo] nh[ậa]n d[ạa]ng doanh nghi[ệe]p | # doanh nghi[ệe]p |
Company Number
10 digits format: dddddddddd
ddl dddddd dd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
m[ãa] s[ốo] c[ôo]ng ty | s[ốo] nh[ậa]n d[ạa]ng c[ôo]ng ty | s[ốo] [đd][ăa]ng k[ýy] c[ôo]ng ty |
s[ốo] c[ôo]ng ty | # c[ôo]ng ty |
Updated about 2 months ago