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General Predefined Policies

Matches potential birth dates based on 20 international date variations and key phrases within 10 terms of the date.

Email Address

Identifies possible email addresses with varying formats of letters followed by @, a variety of characters, and the TLD (e.g. .com, .net, .org, etc).


See EU Personal Identifiers for more specific information on the identifiers monitored for the 28 countries of the European Union.

IP Address

Identifies IPv4 addresses.

Login Credentials

The login credentials policy identifies a combination of usernames and passwords or log in credentials from various criteria.
1. Username and Password Combination
An email address or username within two terms of a username keyword must be within one term of a common password or password pattern within one term of a password keyword.

  • Usernames and username keywords must always be before passwords and password keywords
  • Keywords must always come before their respective username or password
  • Both keywords must be part of the combination

Possible combinations:

  • username keyword + username or email + password keyword
    Example: usr ASkywalker password
  • username keyword + password keyword + password
    Example: usr password C0m32theDarkS1de

Username Keywords
Keywords found in proximity and before the username:

usrusernameuseriduser_iduser iduser_nameusernamesusuario

Password Keywords
Keywords found in proximity and before the password:

pwdpasswordpasscodepass:passphrasemots de passepswd

2. Login Credentials
An email address or username/common password or password pattern must be found within two terms of a login keyword. The login keyword can precede or come after the username/password combo but the username will always precede the slash and password.
Possible combinations:

  • login keyword + email or username + slash + password
    Example: logging on ASkywalker/C0m32theDarkS1de
  • email or username + slash + password + login keyword
    Example: ASkywalker/C0m32theDarkS1de logging on

Login Keywords
Keywords found in proximity to usernames and/or passwords for context:

logincredentialscredentialaccountaccesslogging inlogging outlogging offlogging on

UK National Insurance Number (NINO)

2 formats:
2 formats:

  • Seven or nine characters: 2 letters + 6 digits + A or B or C or D or F or M
  • 2 letters + space or dash or period + 2 digits + space or dash or period + 2 digits + space or dash or period + 2 digits + space or dash or period + A or B or C or D or F or M
    ##US Person Name and Date of Birth
    Identifies assets that contain both a US person name and date of birth. At least one of each type is required and they must be detected within 30 terms of each other.