HomeDocumentation and Guides

Policies Endpoint

List All Policies

List all of an organization's policies.



  • name—Sort the records by policy name alphabetically in ascending or descending order.
    Examples: /api/v2/policies?order=-name (lists records descending.)
    /api/v2/policies?order=name (lists records ascending.)
  • created_at—Sort the results by ascending or descending order from the date the policy was created.
    Example: /api/v2/policies?order=created_at (lists results ascending from the date each policy was created).
  • updated_at—Sort the results by ascending or descending order from the date the policy was updated.


  • created_before—limit results to policies created before a specified date.
    Example: /api/v2/policies?where={"created_before": "2020-09-15"} (lists records
    with policies whose creation date is before "2020-09-15".)
  • created_after—limit results to policies created after a specified date.
  • updated_before—limit results to policies updated before a specified date.
  • updated_after—limit results to policies updated after a specified date.
  • state—limit results to policies with a specific state (active or inactive).
    Example: /api/v2/policies?where={"state": "ACTIVE"} (lists records with policies
    whose state is "ACTIVE".)
  • name—limit results to policies with a specific name.


  • limit—limit results to a specific number. The maximum number of results is 100,000.
    Example: GET /api/v2/policies?limit=100
  • offset—Limit the number of policies that must be skipped. For example, if offset=0, all policies will be returned from the beginning. If offset=10000, all policies starting from the 10001st will be returned.

default page size = 50
max_record per page = 100

Make the Request

GET /api/v2/policies

	"results": 2,
	"items": [{
			"id": "bO4QNWaxLp",
			"name": "custom regex testing",
			"description": null,
			"state": "INACTIVE",
			"policy_type": "Custom Regex",
			"actions_attached": false,
			"created_at": "2019-01-04T09:51:16.308938+00:00",
			"updated_at": "2020-05-15T14:21:56.875521+00:00",
			"severity": "ALERT",
			"extra": {}
			"id": "RBzXZNY42Y",
			"name": "cvt-738",
			"description": null,
			"state": "INACTIVE",
			"policy_type": "Context Only",
			"actions_attached": false,
			"created_at": "2018-02-19T13:19:24.077503+00:00",
			"updated_at": "2020-05-15T14:21:56.875521+00:00",
			"severity": "WARNING",
			"extra": {}
	"count_capped": true

Fields Returned

The following fields are returned in the API JSON.

Field NameTypeDescriptionExample
idstringThis is the Cloudlock Internal Identifier for a policyG8qz0vb49V
namestringThe name of the policyPCI - Alert
statestringIndicates if the policy is active or inactiveActive, Inactive
policy typestringThe type of policy enabled (Custom Regex, Events Analysis, or Predefined).custom regex
action attachedstringTrue- a response action is enabled for the policy.
False- a response action is not enabled for the policy.
descriptionstringDescription of the policyApps whose authorized access scopes present potential security risks
created_attimestampPolicy creation time, in UTC2018-03-19T09:00:17.602482+00:00
updated_attimestampPolicy updated time, in UTC2018-03-19T09:00:17.602482+00:00
severitystringThe severity assigned to incidents of this policyCRITICAL,WARNING,INFO,ALERT

List Policies with Full Content

List policies with configuration content for each policy.



  • name—Sort the records by policy name alphabetically in ascending or descending order.
    Examples: /api/v2/detailed_policies?order=-name (lists records descending.)
    /api/v2/detailed_policies?order=name (lists records ascending.)
  • created_at—Sort the results by ascending or descending order from the date the policy was created.
    Example: /api/v2/detailed_policies?order=created_at (lists results ascending from the date each policy was created).
  • updated_at—Sort the results by ascending or descending order from the date the policy was updated.


  • created_before—limit results to policies created before a specified date.
    Example: /api/v2/detailed_policies?where={"created_before": "2020-09-15"} (lists records
    with policies whose creation date is before "2020-09-15".)
  • created_after—limit results to policies created after a specified date.
  • updated_before—limit results to policies updated before a specified date.
  • updated_after—limit results to policies updated after a specified date.
  • state—limit results to policies with a specific state (active or inactive).
    Example: /api/v2/detailed_policies?where={"state": "ACTIVE"} (lists records with policies whose state is "ACTIVE".)
  • name—limit results to policies with a specific name.


  • limit—limit results to a specific number. The maximum number of results is 100,000.
    Example: GET /api/v2/detailed_policies?limit=100
  • offset—Limit the number of policies that must be skipped. For example, if offset=0, all policies will be returned from the beginning. If offset=10000, all policies starting from the 10001st will be returned.

default page size = 50
max_record per page = 100

Make the Request


    "results": 1,
    "items": [
            "id": "ORxAwMe3aY",
            "name": "ykryvun-test",
            "description": null,
            "state": "INACTIVE",
            "policy_type": "Custom Regex",
            "created_at": "2017-12-22T10:35:02.178230+00:00",
            "updated_at": "2020-05-15T14:21:56.875521+00:00",
            "severity": "ALERT",
            "criteria": [
                    "logic": "and",
                    "group": [
                            "conditions": {
                                "strictness": "medium",
                                "filename_only": false,
                                "proximity": "",
                                "exceptions": [],
                                "threshold": 1,
                                "expression": "DerekTest",
                                "scanner_type": "REGEX"
                    "logic": "or",
                    "group": [
                            "conditions": {
                                "vendor_type": "document",
                                "vendor": "office365"
    "count_capped": false

List Policies with Full Content Based on a Policy Identifier

Make the Request


    "id": "ORxAwMe3aY",
    "name": "ykryvun-test",
    "description": null,
    "state": "INACTIVE",
    "policy_type": "Custom Regex",
    "created_at": "2017-12-22T10:35:02.178230+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2020-05-15T14:21:56.875521+00:00",
    "severity": "ALERT",
    "criteria": [
            "logic": "and",
            "group": [
                    "conditions": {
                        "strictness": "medium",
                        "filename_only": false,
                        "proximity": "",
                        "exceptions": [],
                        "threshold": 1,
                        "expression": "DerekTest",
                        "scanner_type": "REGEX"
            "logic": "or",
            "group": [
                    "conditions": {
                        "vendor_type": "document",
                        "vendor": "office365"

Criteria Fields Returned for Policy Content

Field Name



Policy Type


If there is a proximity expression configured in the policy it is listed as a string.


Custom Regex, Predefined


The threshold configured for the policy.


Custom Regex, Predefined

Scanner Type

The type of policy monitoring content (such as Regex, CCN,).


Custom Regex


The regular expression for which the policy matches on.


Custom Regex, Predefined


If there are any exceptions to the regular expression they are listed as a string.


Custom Regex, Predefined


If false, the policy will search for an expression match in the file name and content. if true, the policy will only match on a file name.


Custom Regex, Predefined


Users that the policy is specifically monitoring.

[email protected]

Custom Regex, Predefined


When the policy is configured to look for specific file types, this is the type of file configured.


Custom Regex, Context Only


The minimum and maximum file sizes configured in the policy.

31457280, 62914560

Custom Regex, Predefined, Context only


The platform where the policy is monitored.

Webex Teams

Events Analysis


Which event types are monitored in the policy.

  • (all events are monitored in the policy).
Events Analysis