May 16, 2018
Zip Files Fully Supported in Spark
An issue where not all zip files were scanned if they were uploaded through the Spark app and not the WebUI has been resolved. Zip files are now scanned regardless of how they are uploaded in Spark.
SharePoint Sites Auto-Populate Now in Policy Creation
In policy creation when users add SharePoint Sites to be monitored, they can type in a few letters and the drop-down should auto-populate available sites.
Google Sites Supported in Search
“Google Sites” is now a searchable document type in Search. The Search function supports only new Google Sites, not Google Classic Sites.
Incident Exports
When exporting a .csv of Incidents, the Owner column now includes the email address of the owner in addition to the name (if provided).
OneDrive Files labeled by Owner
In the Asset Details for a OneDrive file, a new label “Site” has been added to provide the link for the location of the file.
Slack/Spark Response Action Clarity
Response Actions for Slack, Spark have been updated to specify what the action performs depending on the platform.
For Spark:
- Spark: Notify Admin via Message
- Spark: Notify User via Message
- Spark: Delete Message and/or File
For Slack: - Slack: Notify Admin via Message
- Slack: Notify User via Message
Platform-wide response actions have been clarified. - General category changed to Global
- Notify Admin by Email
- Notify User by Email
Settings: Auth/API Tab Access for Spark Users
Customers whose only licensed platform is Spark can now access the Auth and API tabs on the Settings page.
Allowing IPs for API Use
Customers using the Enterprise API can now add their own IP addresses and ranges to be allowed.
The Policy Configuration criterion “Breadth” has been retitled “Tolerance.”
The three Tolerance settings are:
- Lenient—Matches probable and exact matches, and returns the most incidents (potentially more false positives)
- Moderate—Results in fewer probable matches, and more exact matches, with fewer incidents.
- Strict—Returns only the most exact matches, resulting in fewer incidents (fewer false positives, but some legitimate issues may be missed).
Updated about 4 years ago