Entities Endpoint
The entities API returns data for asset list page and asset list exports.
Field Name | Type | Description | Possible Values |
id | string | unique internal identifier for the asset | |
vendor | vendor resource | ||
origin_id | string | unique identifier for the asset provided by the origin platform/vendor | |
origin_type | string | equivalent to vendor_type | document, post, event, app, site |
asset_type | string | google_document, google_spreadsheet, google_form, google_drawing, google_presentation, google_site, folder, non_native_file, pdf | |
owners | list of permission resources (see below) | permissions corresponding to the owner(s) of the asset | |
mime_type | string | ||
exposure | string | exposure level of the document | public, externally shared, organization-wide, internally shared, private |
collaborators_count | integer | total number of collaborators on an asset | |
name | string | title, name of the asset | |
size | integer | size of the asset in bytes | |
updated_at | timestamp | the last time the asset has been modified, in UTC | |
created_at | timestamp | the time at which the asset was created, in UTC | |
direct_url | string | URL to the asset | |
collaborators | list of permission resources (see below) | permissions corresponding to the collaborators on an asset |
Permission Resource
Field Name | Type | Description | Possible Value |
type | string | type of permission | (current values are Google specific) |
role | string | role associated with the permission (current values are Google specific) | reader, writer, owner |
value | string | email address or domain address for the permission | [email protected] |
Filter Name | Description | Possible Values | Example |
platform | The application supplying the underlying data (i.e. Google Drive, Google Sites). platform value should be in the format: _<origin_type> | "google_document", "google_site" | |
owners | comma delimited list of owner email addresses | ||
exposure | exposure level of the document | public, externally shared, organization-wide, internally shared, private | |
asset_type | google_document, google_spreadsheet, google_presentation, google_form, google_drawing, google_site, google_plus_post (future), google_non_native_file, pdf, folder | ||
mime_type | spreadsheet (.xlsx, application/vnd-google-apps.spreadsheet), document (.docx, application/vnd-google-apps.document) | ||
updated_before | Filters assets updated before the specified timestamp | timestamp | |
updated_after | Filters assets updated after the specified timestamp | timestamp |
List entities [GET]
- Response 200 (application/json)
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"name": "03/14/2016 09:02 - Cloudlock Documents Export [Domain Wide Exposures]",
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"name": "03/13/2016 15:17 - Cloudlock Documents Export [External Exposures]",
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Updated over 1 year ago