EU Personal Identifiers
The EU PII Policy matches personal identifiers from the twenty-seven countries of the European Union. The policy monitors common identifiers associated with GDPR to better assist customers with compliance in their own organizations. Individual countries cannot be selected or exempted from the policy; all countries within the EU are included in the policy.
The policy matches a Person Name (specified by country according to census or common data) plus one other identifier within that same country as listed below. The identifier must be within 10 terms of the Person Name and 10 terms of proximity keywords specific to the identifier.
Table of Contents
- EU Common PII Formats
- Identifier Keywords
- Personal Identifiers Covered in the Policy
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Republic of Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
##EU Common PII Formats
###Birth Date
Birth dates are often a
- (dd) day; (mm) month; (yy) year represented by 6 digits with or without delimiters:
- In some cases the century is encoded in the year of birth and the gender may be encoded in the month. These specifications vary per country and are detailed below.
Driver's License, Passport Numbers and Personal Identification Numbers (e.g. TIN, EGN, OIB, NIF etc)
- numerical digits
- letter
- alphanumeric
International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
- Two-digit country ISO code + two checksum digits + Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN)
- All IBANs are digits only
- BBAN is broken down into:
- National bank codec
- account numbers
- branch codex
- national check digit
Value Added Tax Number (VAT) and Tax ID Number (TIN)
-numerical digits
- letter
- alphanumeric
##Identifier Keywords
The identifier must be within 10 terms of the Person Name and 10 terms of proximity keywords specific to the identifier. The following are examples of some of the keywords used for the various identifiers. Each country has some additional keywords specific to that country.
Driver's License Number
DL# | DL | identification card | drivers Lic., | dlno# | driver's license number |
country code | iban | money transfers | international money |
License Plate Number
license plate | vehicle | automobile | registration | number plate | registration mark |
Passport Number
passport | identification for international travel | visa | proof of identification | passport# | travel document |
Phone Number
phone number | phone num | telephone | cellphone number | mobile number |
Tax ID Number
tax identififcation number | TIN | tax number | tax identity number |
VAT Number
value added tax | VAT | T.V.A. | Tax identification number |
##Personal Identifiers Covered in the Policy
The chart below depicts the various identifiers covered by the policy and those that are not. Below the chart is a breakdown of each country and the identifiers monitored within.
Country | Person Name | Driver's License Number | IBAN | License Plate Number | Passport Number | Phone number | VAT ID Number | TAX ID Number | National ID |
Austria | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Social Security Number | |
Belgium | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | National Register Number |
Bulgaria | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Uniform Civil Number (EGN) | ||
Croatia | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Personal Identification Number (OIB) | ||
Republic of Cyprus | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||
Czech Republic | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Birth Number | |
Denmark | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Personal Identification Number | ||
Estonia | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Personal Identification Code (IK) | ||
Finland | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Personal Identity Code (HETU) | ||
France | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | INSEE Health Insurance Number Social Security Number |
Germany | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Personal ID Number |
Greece | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Social Security Number (AMKA) | ||
Hungary | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Personal ID Number Social Security Number | ||
Ireland | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Personal Public Service Number | ||
Italy | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Fiscal Code |
Latvia | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Personal Code | ||
Lithuania | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Personal Code | |
Luxembourg | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | National Register Number | ||
Malta | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||
Netherlands | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Burgerservicenummer |
Poland | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | PESEL Social Security Number | ||
Portugal | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Citizen Card Number | |
Romania | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Personal Numerical Code (CNP) | |
Slovakia | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Birth Number | |
Slovenia | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | National ID Number | |
Spain | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | National Identity Card Number (DNI) Social Security Number |
Sweden | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Personal ID Number |
ATkk bbbb bccc cccc cccc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
mednarodni denar | prenosi denarja | koda države | Avstrija | nemzetközi bankszámlaszám | nemzetközi bankszámla | bankszámla | Ausztria |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Kennzeichen | fahrzeug|automobil | Nummernschild |
Passport Number
l ddddddd
(space between the letter and seven digits is optional)
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
austrian passport | ÖSTERREICHISCH REISEPASS | reisepass | austria | austria citizen |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Handynummer | Telefonnummer | Telefon |
Social Security Number
A three-digit serial number + one checksum digit + the birth date: dddd dddddd
Keywords include but are not limited to:
social security number | social security no | social security code | identification | ID card | Österreich | Sozialversicherungsnummer | SSN | soziale sicherheit kein |
Identifizierungsnummer | Ausweis | Identifikation | insurance number | Austrian SSN | socialsecurityno | insurancecode | insurance code | Versicherungsnummer |
Tax ID Number (TIN)
Based on the residence of the citizen in proximity to the local tax office.
(hyphen and slash not always needed)
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Steuernummer | Österreich |
VAT ID Number
Nine characters following the country code "AT".
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
mehrwertsteuer | umsatzsteuernummer | umsatzsteuer-identifikationsnummer |
###Driver's License Number
10 digits dddddddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Führerschein | Fuhrerschein | Führerscheinnummer | Fuhrerscheinnummer | Fuehrerscheinnummer | Führerscheinnummer |
Fuhrerschein- Nr | Fuehrerschein- Nr| DL# | rijbewijs | Rijbewijsnummer | Numéro permis conduire | Fuhrerscheinnummer |
BEkk bbbc cccc ccxx
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
België | compte bancaire | ils sont allés | Belgique | betaling |
numéro de compte bancaire international | financieel | ze gingen | numéro de compte bancaire | bankrekeningnummer |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
nummerplaat | véhicule | registratie | nummernschild |
Kennzeichen | immatriculation des véhicules | fahrzeug | automobil |
National Register Number
- Date of Birth (six digits) + serial number (three digits) + checksum number (two digits)
- Format:
- Serial number determines gender, with men receiving the odd numbers and women receiving the even numbers
national insurance number | national register | identification number | national number | identity card | identity document | social security | |SIS card | tax identification number |
Numéro de registre national | numéro d'identification du registre national | numéro national | carte d'identité électronique | Belgique | carte SIS | Rijksregisternummer | nationalnumber | tax identity number |
België | identificatienummer | identiteitsdocument | sociale zekerheid | Belgian national number | nationalnumber | bnn | ssn | tax registration number |
personal ID number | IDnumber | Numéro national | numéro de sécurité | numéro d'assuré | identifiant national | identifiantnational | Numéronational | |
TIN | tax number | national registration number | numéro de registre national | numéro d'identification fiscale | belasting aanta | Steuernummer | NIF |
Passport Number
Two letters and six digits lldddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Passnummer | Passeport | paspoort | paspoortnummer |
Reisepass kein | belgium citizen | Passeport livre | Passeport carte |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Telefonnummer | nummer | Handynummer | numéro de portable | telefoonnummer | telefoon |
Tax ID Number (TIN) or (NN)
11 digits ddddddddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Steuernummer | Österreich |
VAT ID Number
10 digits without spaces after the country code "BE". The first digit is always a 0 or 1. BEdddddddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
umsatzsteuer-identifikationsnummer | mehrwertsteuer | umsatzsteuernummer |
Belgium VAT ID Number
The policy will only search for numbers beginning with "0."
BGkk bbbb ssss ttcc cccc cc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
парични преводи | банка | международни пари | България | финансов |
международен номер на банкова сметка | плащане | банкова сметка | |код на държавата | те отидоха |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
регистрационен номер | превозно средство | автомобил |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
телефон|мобилен номер | телефонен номер |
Uniform Civil Number (EGN) (used as Tax ID Number)
Date of Birth (six digits) + serial number (three digits) + 1-digit checksum number dddddddddd
Tax ID Number keywords are used in addition but not limited to some of the following:
uniform civil no | identification number | EGN | unique citizenship number | BUCN | uniformcivilnumber | Bulgarian uniform civil number | uniformcivilno | Униформ граждански не | uniform civil ID |
uniform civil number | Единен граждански номер | идентификационен номер | ЕГН | номер на гражданството | Униформ граждански номер | България | Униформ ID | Униформ граждански ID | данъчен идентификационен номер |
VAT ID Number
Nine or ten digits following the country code "BG".
or BGdddddddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Идентификационен номер по | Identifikacionen nomer po |
HRkk bbbb bbbc cccc cccc c
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
financijska | međunarodni bankovni račun | prijenos novca | bankovni račun | Hrvatska |
međunarodni broj bankovnog računa | plaćanje | kod države | |broj bankovnog računa | otišli su |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
registracija vozila | registarske oznake | registarska tablica | registracijska tablica | vozilo |
Personal Identification Number (OIB) (used as Tax ID Number)
11 digits randomized with the last number as a control number and the HR is not case sensitive or obligatory.
Tax ID Number keywords are used in addition but not limited to some of the following:
personal identification number | OIB | national identification number | unique citizen number | JMBG | Hrvatska | Osobni identifikacijski broj | Nacionalni identifikacijski broj | jedinstveni majstorski broj građana | porezni identifikacijski broj |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
broj mobitela | telefon |
VAT ID Number
11 digits following the country code "HR".
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
PDV Id. Broj OIB | porezna dodanu vrijednost |
##Republic of Cyprus
CYkk bbbs ssss cccc cccc cccc cccc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Κύπρος | χρηματοοικονομική | πληρωμή | πήγαν | αριθμός τραπεζικού λογαριασμού | τράπεζα | κωδικός χώρας | διεθνή χρήματα |
Uluslararası Banka Hesap Numarası | banka|uluslararası para | banka hesabı | banka hesabı numarası | λογαριασμός | μεταφορές χρημάτων | ödeme | τραπεζικός λογαριασμός |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
πινακίδα κυκλοφορίας | άδεια κυκλοφορίας | άμαξα | πινακίδα | taşıt | kaydı | otomobil |
Passport Number
One letter and six or eight digits:
- Passports issued before 12/13/2010- E + six digits
- Passports issued after 12/13/2010- K + eight digits
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
uluslararası seyahat için kimlik | Αριθμός Διαβατηρίου | ΗΜΕΡΟΜΗΝΙΑ ΓΕΝΝΗΣΗΣ|λήξη | πολίτης της Κύπρου | κυπριακό διαβατήριο | διαβατήριο# | διαβατήριο | kimlik kanıtı |
seyahat belgesi | αρχή έκδοσης | pasaport detayları | doğum tarihi | αναγνώριση για διεθνή ταξίδια | kıbrıs vatandaşı | Εθνική ταυτότητα | Pasaport Kimliği |
αριθμός διαβατηρίου | ταξιδιωτικό έγγραφο | düzenleyen yetkili makam | çek pasaportu | στοιχεία διαβατηρίου | ταυτοποίηση | pasaport numarası | απόδειξη αναγνώρισης |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
αριθμός κινητού | τηλέφωνο | τηλεφωνικό νούμερο | cep telefonu numarası | cep numarası |
Tax ID Number (TIN) or Tax ID Code (TIC)
- Eight digits and one letter.
- Not issued on official ID documents and known as Tax Identification Code
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
vergi Kimlik Numarası | Tax Identification Code|tic | αριθμός φορολογικού μητρώου | φορολογικού κωδικού | vergi kimlik kodu |
VAT ID Number
Nine characters after country code "CY".
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
arithmós Engraphḗs phi |
##Czech Republic
###Birth Number (Used as Tax ID Number)
In general the format is a birth date + serial number + checksum number with some specifications:
- For Men:
(where the third and fourth digits = the birth month 1-12) - For Women:
(where third and fourth digits = to the birth month 1-12 + 50) - Persons born before 1954 have no checksum digit
Tax ID Number keywords are used in addition but not limited to some of the following:
birth number | national identification number | identity number | personal ID number | PID | personal identity number | Czech Personal ID Number | identity no | identityno | rodné číslo |
Czech Republic ID | republic identity number | national number | insurance number | unique identification number | čeština | Pojištění číslo | Czechidno | identifikační číslo | Národní identifikační číslo |
CZkk bbbb ssss sscc cccc cccc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
účet | mezinárodn peníze | peněžní převody | kód země | čeština | Česká republika |
finanční | Mezinárodní číslo bankovního účtu | mezinárodního bankovního účtu | bankovní účet | Číslo bankovního účtu | šli |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
registrace vozidla | poznávací značka | vozidlo | automobil |
Passport Number
Eight digits: dddddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
tjeckisk medborgare | identitetsbevis | resedokument | tjeckiska passet | födelsedatum | utgång | Identifiering | passnummer |
nationellt id kort | útlevél# | útlevél szám | identification | proof of identification | útlevél száma | passport# | passuppgifter |
az azonosítás igazolása | nemzeti személyi igazolvány | kiállító hatóság | utazási irat | lejárat | azonosítás a nemzetközi utazáshoz | útlevél részleteit | Vízum |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
číslo mobilního telefonu | Mobilní číslo | telefonní číslo |
VAT ID Number
Eight, nine, or ten digits following the country code "CZ".
or CZddddddddd
or CZdddddddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Daň z přidané hodnoty | Daňové identifikační číslo |
DKkk bbbb cccc cccc cc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
internationale bankkontonummer | Danmark | bankkontonummer | finansiel | betaling | international bankkonto | internationale penge | landekode | pengeoverførsler |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
køretøj | nummerplade | registreringsattest |
Personal Identification Number (CPR or Tax ID Number)
Birth date + a sequential serial number where the first digit denotes the century of birth. The two can be separated by a dash, space, or nothing.
Tax ID Number keywords are used in addition but not limited to some of the following:
identification number | civil registration system | Danmark | CPR-nummer | personnummer | skat identifikationsnummer | civilt registreringssystem | identity number | cpr |
nationalid | personalidentityno | unique identity number | uniqueidentityno | Nationalt identifikationsnummer | unikt identifikationsnummer | identifikationsnummer | centrale personregister |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
mobilnummer | telefonnummer |
VAT ID Number
Four pairs of two digits following the country code "DK".
DKdd dd dd dd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Momsregistreringsnummer |
EEkk bbss cccc cccc cccx
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
rahvusvaheline raha | rahaülekanded | riigi kood | eesti keel |
rahvusvaheline pangakonto number | rahvusvaheline pangakonto | pangakonto | makse |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
registreerimine | sõiduki registreerimine | numbrimärk | sõiduki |
Personal Identification Code (IK) (used for Tax ID Number)
- 11 digits denoting birthdate and sex of the individual
- Format:
- The first digit shows sex and century of birth (odd number male, even number female, 1-2 19th century, 3-4 20th century, 5-6 21st century),
Tax ID Number keywords are used in addition but not limited to some of the following:
personal identification code | national identification number | Eesti | isikukood | maksukohustuslase identifitseerimisnumber |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
mobiili number | telefoni teel | Mobiiltelefoni number | telefoninumber |
VAT ID Number
Nine digits following country code "EE".
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
käibemaks | Käibemaksukohustuslase number |
FIkk bbbb bb cc cccc cx
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
kansainvälinen pankkitilinumero | kansainvälinen raha | finansiell | rahansiirrot | kansainvälinen pankkitili | penningöverföringar | taloudellinen |
betalning | internationella pengar | maatunnus | Suomi | landskod | maksu | Internationellt Bankkontonummer |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
registreringsskylt | fordonsregistrering | fordon | registrering | auton rekisterikilpi | ajoneuvo | rekisterikilpi | ajoneuvon rekisteröinti |
Personal Identity Code (HETU) or Social Security Number or Tax ID Number
- Birthdate + century symbol (7th chracter) + 3-digit serial number + checksum character
- Format: dddddd+dddd
- Century Symbols (7th character): + (1800–1899), - (1900–1999), or A (2000–2099).
- Serial numbers are odd for men and even for women
- Issued to natural born citizens, permanent residents (1+ year)
- Can be printed on Driver's License, Passport, National ID card or electronic ID card
Tax ID Number keywords are used in addition but not limited to some of the following:
Personal Identity Code | personal identification number | national ID card | social security number | identification number | personal ID | identity number | Finnish national ID number |
personal | IDnumber | National Identification Number | id number | National id no | National id number | verotunniste|skatteidentifikationsnummer | SOTU |
Suomi | henkilötunnus | HETU | personbeteckning | Tunnusluku | kansallisen henkilökortin | tunnusnumero | kansallisen tunnistenumero |
Suomen kansallinen henkilötunnus | Ainutlaatuinen henkilökohtainen tunnus | yksilöllinen henkilökohtainen tunnistenumero | tunnistenumero|henkilötunnus | sosiaaliturvatunnus | henkilötunnusnumero | kansallinen tunnus numero | identiteetti numero |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
puhelinnumero | puhelin | matkapuhelinnumero | mobilnummer | telefonnummer | telefon |
VAT ID Number
Eight digits following the country code "FI".
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
arvonlisävero | Arvonlisäveronumero Mervärdesskattenummer |
###Driver's License Number
12 digits dddddddddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
numéro d'identification | numéro de permis de conduire | Carte d'identité | numéros de licence | permis de conduire |
Health Insurance Number
The following keywords must be within 10 terms of the Person Name and 10 terms of the identifier:
health insurance | insurance card | carte vitale | carte d'assuré social | assurance |
FRkk bbbb b sss sscc cccc cccc cxx
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
banque | monnaie internationale | Paiement | transferts dargent | financier |
numéro de compte bancaire international | compte bancaire international | compte bancaire | numéro de compte bancaire | ils sont allés |
License Plate number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
véhicule | voiture | enregistrement | plaque d'immatriculation | immatriculation des véhicules | SIV |
National Identity Card (CNI)
12 digits: dddddddddddd
The following keywords must be within 10 terms of the Person Name and 10 terms of the identifier:
CNI | numéro de carte Vitale | compte bancaire | numéro d'assurance maladie | Signature de l'autorité | carte nationale d'idenite no |
Passport Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Passeport livre | Passeport français | passport no | passport number | Passeport | french passport |
Passeport carte | numéro passeport | passport | passport book | passport card |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
téléphone | numéro de portable |
Social Security Number (INSEE)
INSEE numbers are national identification numbers for The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies issued at birth to French nationals.
- 13 digits followed by two digits, with or without a space
ddddddddddddd dd
ddddd2(A|B)dddddd dd OR ddddd97ddddddd dd where digits shown are required
The following keywords must be within 10 terms of the Person Name and 10 terms of the identifier:
insee | securité sociale | securite sociale | national id | nationalid | national identification | numéro d'identité | no d'identité | code sécu |
no. d'identité | numero d'identite | no d'identite | no. d'identite | numéro de sécurité sociale | socialsecuritynumber | social security code | social security number | assurance |
SSN | FSSN | insurance number | le numéro d'identification nationale | d'identité nationale | le code de la sécurité sociale | numéro d'assurance sociale | numéro de sécu |
Tax ID Number (TIN) (SPI)
Issued to all people obligated to declare taxes in France. Also known as the Reference Tax Number or SPI, the number is issued when residents are registered in the tax department database.
- 13 digits, the first of which is 0, 1, 2, or 3 and separated by spaces, dashes, periods, or nothing.
- Format:
dd dd ddd ddd ddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
numéro d'identification fiscale |
VAT ID Number
Two characters following the country code "FR" and nine digits
FRxx ddddddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
taxe sur valeur ajoutée | SIREN | taxe valeur ajoutée |
###Driver's License Number
11 characters xddxxxxxxdx
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Führerschein | Fuhrerschein- Nr | Führerscheinnummer | Fuhrerscheinnummer | Fuehrerscheinnummer | Führerscheinnummer | Rijbewijsnummer | permis de conduire | Fuehrerschein- Nr| DL# |
DEkk bbbb bbbb cccc cccc cc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
DEUTSCHLAND | Geldüberweisungen | Kontonummer | finanziell | internationales Geld | Landesvorwahl | Internationale Kontonummer | internationales Bankkonto |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Kennzeichen | fahrzeug | Nummernschild |
Passport Number
First character (C, F, G, H, J, K) + three digits + five characters (C, -H, J-N, P, R, T, V-Z) + 1 digit
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Reisepass | Passnummer | Reisepass kein |
Personal Identification Card Number
Cards issued after since November 2010- ldddddddd
Cards issues from April 1987- October 2010- ddddddddddn
German Personal Identification Card Number
The policy only matches for cards issues after November 2010 (
The following keywords must be within 10 terms of the Person Name and 10 terms of the identifier:
Identity Card | Identification | ID number | personal ID | |insurance number | identity number | Personalausweis | Identifizierungsnummer | identität nummer | Versicherungsnummer |
Ausweis | Identifikation | persönliche identifikationsnummer | ID-Nummer | GPID | persönliche-ID-Nummer | persönliche ID Nummer | eindeutige ID-Nummer | persönliche Numme |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Telefonnummer | Handynummer | Telefon |
Tax ID Number (TIN) or Identifikationsnummer (IdNr)
11 digits ddddddddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Identifikationsnummer | ldnr | Steuernummer | Steueridentifikationsnummer |
VAT ID Number
Nine digits following the country code "DE" without spaces
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Mehrwertsteuer | MwSt |
GRkk bbbs sssc cccc cccc cccc ccc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
χρηματοοικονομική | τράπεζα | μεταφορές χρημάτων | κωδικός χώρας | διεθνή χρήματα | Ελληνικά | λογαριασμός | Διεθνής αριθμός τραπεζικού λογαριασμού | λογαριασμός | πληρωμή |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Kennzeichen |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
phone number | phone no. | phone num | telephone | mobile number | cellphone number | αριθμός κινητού | τηλέφωνο | τηλεφωνικό νούμερο |
Social Security Number (AMKA)
11 digits where the first six digits are the birth date dddddddddddd
The following keywords must be within 10 terms of the Person Name and 10 terms of the identifier:
social security number | insurance ID | national identification number | AMKA | Ελλάδα | Αριθμός Μητρώου Κοινωνικής Ασφάλισης | ασφαλιστική ταυτότητα | Αριθμός ταυτότητας |
Tax ID Number (TIN)
Nine digits ddddddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Αριθμός Φορολογικού Μητρώου | AΦΜ|AΦΜ αριθμός | Φορολογικού Μητρώου Νο. | τον αριθμό φορολογικού μητρώου |
VAT ID Number
Nine digits following the country code "EL".
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Fóros Prostithémenis Axías| | Arithmós Forologikou Mētrṓou |
HUkk bbbs sssx cccc cccc cccc cccx
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Bank account | iban | financial | payment | international money | money transfers | country code | hungary | pénz utalás | Magyarország |
nemzetközi bankszámlaszám | nemzetközi bankszámla | bankszámla | bankszámlaszám | pénzügyi | fizetés | számla | nemzetközi pénz | ország kód |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
license plate | vehicle | automobile | registration | registration plate | number plate | autó |
numberplate | registration mark | rendszámtábla | jármű regisztráció | jármű | bejegyzés |
Personal Identification Number
11 digits: gender code digit + birthdate + three-digit serial number + checksum dddddddddd
- gender code digit is a number 1-8 that denotes gender, whether the resident is a natural or foreign citizen, and whether they were born before/after 1900 or before/after 1999
identification number | ID number | Magyarország | személyi igazolvány száma |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
phone number | phone no. | phone num | telephone | mobile number | cellphone number | telefon | telefonszám | mobil szám |
Social Security Number
The following keywords must be within 10 terms of the Person Name and 10 terms of the identifier:
social security | socialsecuritynumber | HSSN | TAJ | SSN | ÁFA | Közösségi adószám | Általános forgalmi adó szám | hozzáadottérték adó |
Tax ID Number (TIN)
A TIN card is issued to residents with taxable income.
- 10 digits
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
adóazonosító szám | adószám | adóhatóság szám |
VAT ID Number
Eight digits following the country code "HU" without space
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
ÁFA | hozzáadottérték adó | Általános forgalmi adó szám | Közösségi adószám |
IEkk aaaa bbbb bbcc cccc cc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
airgead idirnáisiúnta | aistrithe airgid | cód Tíre | Éireann | bainc | cuntas |
uimhir chuntas bainc idirnáisiúnta | cuntas bainc idirnáisiúnta | cuntas bainc | uimhir chuntas bainc | airgeadais | íocaíocht |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
gluaisteán | pláta ceadúnais | pláta | clárú feithicle | feithicil |
Personal Public Service Number (PPS No) or Tax ID Number
Seven digits + one checksum character + sometimes a second character
Tax ID Number keywords are used in addition but not limited to some of the following:
ioncam agus árachas sóisia | ppsn | ppsno | publicserviceno | client identity service | revenue and social insurance | seirbhís aitheantais cliant | uimhir aitheantais phearsanta | pps number | Uimh. PSP |
rsi no | rsin | paye number | Éireann | Uimhir Phearsanta Seirbhíse Poiblí | pps uimh | ta|uimhir phearsanta seirbhíse poiblí | rsi number | uimhir aitheantais chánach |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
teileafón | uimhir Fón póca |
VAT ID Number
Eight or nine characters following the country code "IE".
or IExxxxxxxxx
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
cáin bhreisluacha |
###Driver's License Number
- 10 characters
- One letter and the letter A or V and alphanumeric characters or underscore and one letter
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
carta d'identità | numeri di identificazione | patente di guida | patente guida | numero identificativo | patente di guida numero | patente guida numero |
Fiscal Code- national ID issued to citizens at birth (also used as Tax ID Number)
lllll dd l dd l ddd l
where spaces are optional
16 characters separated in groups of:
- 6 letters- The first three represent the first 3 consonants of the last name and the second 3 are the first, third and fourth consonants of the first name
- 2 digits- birth year
- 1 letter- birth month letter (Letters A to E, H, L, M, P, R to T are used alphabetically in order of the months)
- 2 digits- birth day and gender (+40 for females)
- 1 letter + 3 digits- area code of birth or country-wide code for foreign countries
- 1 letter- checksum
fiscal code card | social security number | tax code card | TIN | tax number | Italia | Codice Fiscale | tax registration number |
numero di Social Security | codice fiscal | dati anagrafici | numero di identificazione fiscale | ehic | personal data | tax code | tax identification number |
health card | health insurance | tessera sanitaria | VAT number | p. iva|e | partita | .V.A | tax identity number |
ITkk xbbb bbss sssc cccc cccc ccc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
numero di conto bancario internazionale | conto bancario internazionale | conto bancario | numero di conto bancario | finanziario | pagamento | soldi internazionali | prefisso internazionale | trasferimenti di denaro |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
registrazione | veicolo | targa |
Passport Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Repubblica Italiana Passaport | Passaporto | Passaporto Italiana | Numéro passeport italien | Italiana Passaporto numero | numéro passeport |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
telefono | numero di cellulare |
VAT ID Number (Partita IVA or P.IVA)
11 digits following the country code "IT" without spaces
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
LVkk bbbb cccc cccc cccc c
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
starptautiskie naudas līdzekli | naudas pārskaitījumi | valsts kods | atvija | maksājums | finanšu | bankas konta numurs | starptautiskais bankas konta numurs | starptautisks bankas konts | bankas konts |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
numurzīme | transportlīdzeklis | transportlīdzekļa reģistrācija | automašīna | reģistrācija |
Personal Code (Personas kods or PIC) or Tax ID Number
- 11 digits in form
where the dash is optional - Date of birth + birth century (0 for XIX, 1 for XX and 2 for XXI) + three-digit birth serial number + checksum digit.
Tax ID Number keywords are used in addition but not limited to some of the following:
personal code | nodokļu identifikācijas numurs | national identification number | Valsts identifikācijas numurs | Personas kods | latvija |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Mobilā tālruņa numurs | telefons |
VAT ID Number
11 digits following the country code "LV".
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
pievienotās vērtības nodokļa |
LTkk bbbb bccc cccc cccc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
tarptautinis banko sąskaitos numeris | lietuviu | banko sąskaita | banko sąskaitos numeris | finansinis | mokėjimas | sąskaita | pinigų pervedimai | tarptautiniai pinigai | šalies kodas |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
transporto priemonės registracija | valstybinis numeris | transporto priemonė | transporto priemonė | automobilis |
Passport Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
lithuanian citizens | lithuania | lithuanian |
Personal Code (Asmens kodas) (used for Tax ID Number)
- 11 digits
- gender and birth century and birthday and three-digit serial number and checksum digit
- The first digit shows both the person's gender (odd if male, even if female) and calculated birth century
Tax ID Number keywords are used in addition but not limited to some of the following:
personal code | national identification number | asmens kodas | lietuviu | mokesčių identifikavimo numeris |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
telefono numeris | telefonas |
VAT ID Number
Nine or twelve digits following the country code "LT".
or LTdddddddddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
pievienotās vērtības nodokļa |
LUkk bbbc cccc cccc cccc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
finanziell | internationales Geld | Geldüberweisungen | internationale Bankkonto | Landesvorwahl | international Bankkonto | Bankkonto | luxembourg | Internationale Kontonummer | Bezuelung |
numéro de compte bancaire international | compte bancaire international | Lëtzebuerg | numéro de compte bancaire | ils sont allés | financier | Paiement | Kontonummer | Geldtransferen | internationale Suen |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
automobil | Nummernschild | Nummereschëld | véhicule | voiture | Gefierer | enregistrement|immatriculation des véhicules | Kennzeichen | fahrzeug |
National Register Number (TIN-like structure)
- Natural residents: 11 digits and checksum
personal id | eindeutigeid | persönliche identifikationsnummer | idpersonnelle | numéro d'identification personnel | id personnelle | personal identity | personal identification | unique id |
unique identification | individual id | individual identity | individual identification | personal id number | personal id no | personal id key | personal id code | unique id number |
unique id key | unique id code | individual id number | individual id no | individual id key | individual id code | unique id no | unique identity |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
phone number | phone no. | phone num | telephone | mobile number | cellphone number | Telefonnummer |
Handynummer | numéro de portable | téléphone | telefonéieren | Telefonsnummer | Handysnummer | Telefon |
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Social security identification card | Numéro d'identification fiscale | sécurité sociale | Sozialversicherung | Steueridentifikationsnummer | Sozialversécherung | Steier Identifikatiounsnummer |
VAT ID Number
Eight digits following the country code "LU".
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
numéro d identification |
MTkk bbbb ssss sccc cccc cccc cccc ccc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
numru tal-kont bankarju internazzjonali | kont bankarju internazzjonali | Kont bankarju | numru tal-kont bankarju | finanzjarju | ħlas | kont | kodiċi tal-pajjiż | trasferimenti tal-flus | flus internazzjonali |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
tal-karozzi | pjanċa tal-liċenzja | pjanċa | vettura | reġistrazzjoni tal-vettura | reġistrazzjoni |
Passport Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
maltese passport | maltese citizen | malta |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
telefon | numru tat-telefon | numru tal-cellphone | in-numru tal-mobile |
Tax ID Number (TIN) - used as Identity Card Number for Maltese nationals
- Maltese nationals- seven digits
+ one letter (M, G, A, P, L, H, B, or Z) - Non-Maltese nationals- nine digits
- Printed on passports and Identity Cards
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
identifika numru tal-biljett | numru ta 'identifikazzjoni tat-taxxa | numru ta 'identifikazzjoni personali |
VAT ID Number
Eight digits following the country code "MT".
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
taxxa fuq il-valur miżjud | Vat reg. no. |
###Burgerservicenummer (BSN or Citizen Service Number)- issued at birth
Eight or nine digits dddddddd
or ddddddddd
and separated in groups of 3 by dashes, periods, spaces, or no separation.
citizen service number | BSN | personal number | sofi | Nederland | Burgerservicenummer | person-related number |
person number | persoonsgebonden | sociaal-fiscaal nummer | Persoonsnummer | persoonlijk nummer | sofinummer | social-fiscal number |
Driver's License Number
10 digits dddddddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
identificatienummers | rijbewijs nummer | identificatie Nummer |
NLkk bbbb cccc cccc cc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
internationale bankrekening | bankrekening | bankrekeningnummer | financieel | betaling | internationaal geld | geldoverdrachten | Nederland |
License Plate
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
nummerplaat | voertuig | registratie | voertuig registratie |
Passport Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
dutch citizen | dutch | Netherlands passport number | Nederlanden paspoort nummer | Paspoort | paspoort | Nederlanden paspoortnummer | paspoortnummer |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
telefoon | mobiel nummer | telefoonnummer |
Tax ID Number (TIN)
TINs are reported as an identification on official documents such as Passports, Driver's Licenses, and ID Cards.
- Nine digits
and separated in groups of 3 by dashes, periods, spaces, or no separation.
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
belasting identificatie| | belastingnummer | tax tal | id nummer | belasting identificatienummer | btw nummer | impuesto identification |
12 digits following the country code "NL" where the tenth character is always "B" NLdddddddddBdd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
wearde tafoege tax getal |
PLkk bbbs sssx cccc cccc cccc cccc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
międzynarodowy numer rachunku bankowego | konto bankowe | numer konta bankowego | budżetowy | Zapłata | konto | międzynarodowe pieniądze | przelewy pieniężne | kod pocztowy | Polska |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
tablica rejestracyjna | tablica | pojazd | ejestracja pojazdu | samochód | rejestracja |
PESEL-Poland National ID Number
- 11-digit numeric identifier registered in the Common Electronic System of Population Register
Applies to permanent or temporary residents or those applying for ID or passport who do not conduct business activity and thus not registered for taxes - Can be located on Passports and ID cards
= birthday (with century encoded in the third and fourth digits) + personal ID number where the last digit represents sex (even number for females, odd number for males) and one checksum digit
niepowtarzalnynumer | Dowódosobisty | numer identyfikacyjny | niepowtarzalny numer | osobisty numer identyfikacyjny | Tożsamości narodowej | Dowód osobisty |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
telefon | numer telefonu |
Social Security Number
The following keywords must be within 10 terms of the Person Name and 10 terms of the identifier:
public electronic census system | national identification number | PESEL | polska | Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności | Narodowy numer identyfikacyjny |
Tax ID Number- PESEL or TIN is used
PESEL- ddddddddddd
TIN- dddddddddd
- 10-digit number issued to those registered as taxpayers
- Separated optionally by spaces or dashes in groups of three, two, two and three
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej | NumerIdentyfikacjiPodatkowej |
VAT ID Number
10 digits following the country code "PL".
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
podatek od wartości dodanej |
###Citizen Card (CC)- issued to all citizens
12 digits dddddddddxxd
or dddddddd-dxxd
The following keywords must be within 10 terms of the Person Name and 10 terms of the identifier:
Citizen Card | número de identificação fiscal | Bilhete de Identidade | tax number | TIN | National ID Card | Cartão de Cidadão |
PTkk bbbb ssss cccc cccc cccx x
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
transferências de dinheiro | dinheiro internacional | Código do país | financeiro | número da conta de banco | Número da conta do banco internacional | conta bancária internacional |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
automóvel | veículo | placa de carro | registro de veículo | carro |
Passport Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
portuguese passport | portuguese passports |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
número do celular | Telefone |
Tax ID Number- reported on Citizen or TIN cards
Nine digits where last digit is a checksum
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
VAT ID Number
Nine digits following the country code "PT".
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
imposto sobre o Valor Acrescentado | Número de Identificação |
ROkk bbbb cccc cccc cccc cccc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Număru | internațional de cont bancar | cont bancar internațional | transferuri de bani | numarul contului bancar | financiar | plată|cont | bancă | bani internaționali | Codul tarii |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
înmatriculare | vehicul | inmatricularea autoturismului | înregistrare |
Personal Numerical Code (CNP) (used as Tax ID Number)
13-digit number that comprised of: gender and birth century (1-7 odd for males, 2-8 even for females and 9 represents foreign citizens) and date of birth and country zone (two digits, 01 to 52, or 99) and three-digit serial number and one checksum number
Format: ddddddddddddd
Tax ID Number keywords are used in addition but not limited to some of the following:
personal numeric code | CNP | PIN | Insurance Number | număru de identificare fiscală | numărpersonalunic | insurancenumber | uniqueidentityno |
Cod Numeric Personal | România | cod identificare personal | cod unic identificare | număr personal unic | număr identitate | număr identificare personal | număridentitate |
Passport Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
romanian citizen | romanian passport |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
numar de mobil | telefon |
VAT ID Number
Two to ten digits following the country code "RO".
i.e. ROdddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
taxa pe valoare adaugata |
###Birth Number (RC) or Personal Number- used for Tax ID Number
(birthdate + four-digit identifying number, the last being a checksum which is not always present)
- For Men:
(where mm = the birth month 1-12) - For Women:
(where mm = to the birth month 1-12 + 50)
birth number | national identification number | identity number | Slovensko | Rodné číslo | Národné identifikačné číslo | identifikačné číslo |
SKkk bbbb ssss sscc cccc cccc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
ország kód | nemzetközi pénz | soldi internazionali | trasferimenti di denaro | prefisso internazionale | pénz utalás | finanziario | Szlovákia | številka mednarodnega bančnega računa |
mednarodni bančni račun | bančni račun | Številka bančnega računa | finančno | plačilo | račun | numero di conto bancario | mednarodni denar | prenosi denarja |
koda države | slovaška | nemzetközi bankszámlaszám | nemzetközi bankszámla | numero di conto bancario internazionale | bankszámlaszám | pénzügyi | fizetés | számla |
License Plate
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
poznávacia značka | vozidlo | registrácia vozidla | registrácia |
Passport Number
The letters "XX" + six digits
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
slovak citizen | slovak passport |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Mobilné číslo | telefónne | telefónne číslo |
Tax ID Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
daňové identifikačné číslo |
VAT ID Number
10 digits following country code "SK".
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
daň z pridanej hodnoty | dentifikačné číslo pre daň |
###Driver's License Number
Nine digits ddddddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
identifikacijska kartica | id kartica | identifikacijska številka | identifikacijske številke | d številko | id številke | številka vozniškega dovoljenja | vozniška številka licence |
SIkk bbss sccc cccc cxx
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
bančni račun |iban | finančno | plačilo | mednarodni denar | prenos denarja | koda države | slovenia |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
registracija | vozilo | registrska tablica |
Personal ID Number (EMSO)
- 13 digits
- birthday + 50 + three-digit serial for gender and checksum
identification number | nacionalni potni list | nacionalna id | osebna izkaznica | identifikacijska številka | personal number | personal code |
national id | national passport | osebni številka | osebni ne | osebni koda | ID card | Identity Card |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
telefon brez. | telefon | številka mobilnega telefona | telefonska številka |
Tax ID Number
Eight digits dddddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
VAT ID Number
Eight digits following the country code "SI".
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
davek na dodano vrednost | dodana davčna vrednost |
###National Identity Card (DNI) Number or Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF)-
- A DNI is issued to Spanish nationals and required after 14 years of age which details the name and surname of holder, birth date, address, parents, sex, residential address, city and province of birth and an identifying number known as the Número de identificación fiscal (NIF) or DNI Number. This is the same identifying number used for the TIN.
- The Policy only searches for the DNI number which is eight digits + one check letter
The following keywords must be within 10 terms of the Person Name and 10 terms of the identifier:
DNI | NIF | Documento nacional de identidad | Número de Identificación | carné de identidad |
Driver's License
Eight digits and one character
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
números de identificación | tarjeta de identificación | licencia de conducer | número de licencia de conducer | número de licencia de conducer | Número de carnet de conducer |
ESkk bbbb ssss xxcc cccc cccc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Numero de cuenta de Banco Internacional | cuenta bancaria internacional | cuenta bancaria | número de cuenta bancaria | financiero | cuenta | banco | spain | transferencias de dinero | código de país |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
registro | placa | vehículo | automóvil | registro de vehículo |
Passport Number
(middle x is optional)
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
spanish citizen | spain passport | número pasaporte | España pasaporte | pasaporte | libreta pasaporte |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
teléfono | Número Celular |
Social Security Number
12 digits where forward slashes are optional dd/dddddddd/dd
social security | SSN | seguridad social | socialsecurityno | socialsecuritynumber |
Tax ID Number (TIN)
- For Spanish Nationals, the TIN is the number provided on the National Identity Card (DNI). TINs can also be provided to those without a DNI upon request.
- Non-residents receive a Foreign Identification Number (NIE) which serves as their TIN unless an NIE is not issued
Format | Explanation | Type of Resident |
ddddddddl | 8 digits + 1 letter | Spanish National with DNI |
Ldddddddl | L + 7 digits + 1 letter | Non-resident Spaniards without DNI |
Kdddddddl | K + 7 digits + 1 letter | Resident Spaniards under 14 without DNI |
X or Y or Z dddddddl | X/Y/Z + 7 digits + 1 letter | Foreigners with NIE |
Mdddddddl | M + 7 digits + 1 letter | Foreigners without NIE |
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
DNI | NIF | NIE | Documento nacional de identidad | Número de Identificación | carné de identidad |
Spanish TIN
The policy does NOT cover the first version of the TIN listed in the chart above (
VAT ID Number
Nine characters following the country code "ES" where the first and last characters can be alphanumeric or both letters, but cannot both be numbers.
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
Número de Identificación | impuesto al valor agregado |
SEkk bbbc cccc cccc cccc cccc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
landskod | Sverige | kansainvälinen pankkitilinumero | kansainvälinen pankkitili | pankkitilin numero | taloudellinen | maksu | penningöverföringar | Internationellt Bankkontonummer | kansainvälinen raha |
internationellt bankkonto | bankkonto | bankkontonummer | Ruotsi | betalning | pankki | internationella pengar | tili | maatunnus | rahansiirrot |
License Plate
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
registreringsskylt | fordonsregistrering | fordon | registrering |
Passport Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
sverige pass | sverige passnummer | passnummer | swedish citizen |
Personal Identity Number (PIN, Personnummer)- used for Tax ID Number
10 or 12 digits yymmdd-nngc
or ccyymmdd-nngc
: birthdate (can include century as first 2 digits) + two unique numbers + gender (even for females, odd for males) + checksum digit
- The birthdate and digits are delineated by a "-" if under 100 years of age, or "+" if over 100 years of age. Our policy also checks for separation by spaces or no separation.
identity document | identity no | TIN | tax number | personnummer | Sverige | tax identity number | identification number | identification no |
identitetshandling | id-nummer | identifikationsnumret | skatteidentifikationsnummer | tax identification number | tax registration number | identity number | ID number | ID no |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
mobilnummer | telefonnummer | telefon |
VAT ID Number
12 digits following the country code "SE".
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
VAT-nummer | momsnummer | momsregistreringsnummer | mervärdesskatt |
Driver's License Number
- 18 letters and digits:
- Five letters (not case sensitive) or the digit "9" in place of a letter and one digit and five digits in the date format DDMMY for date of birth and two letters (not case sensitive) or the digit "9" in place of a letter and five digits
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
DVLA | photocard licence | learner drivers |
Electoral Roll
Two letters and one to four digits
The following keywords must be within 10 terms of the Person Name and 10 terms of the identifier:
electoral roll no. | electoral roll number | electoral number | electoral no. |
GBkk bbbb ssss sscc cccc cc
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
uk | united kingdom | britain | british |
License Plate Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
DVLA | Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency |
National Health Service Number (NHS)
Issued to registered users of the three public healthcare systems in the UK
10 digits ddd ddd dddd
The following keywords must be within 10 terms of the Person Name and 10 terms of the identifier:
national health service | NHS |
Passport Number
Nine consecutive digits ddddddddd
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
british passport | uk passport | hm passport office | united kingdom | britain | gb | great britain | british citizen | british subject | gbr |
Phone Number
Additional keywords include but are not limited to:
phone no. |
Tax ID Number
Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) - for individuals submitting tax returns.
- 10 digits
- Not printed on a card or official document
National Insurance Number(NINO)- issued to residents of UK at age 16 automatically - nine characters: two letters and six numbers and one letter A ,B, C, or D
Not all resident taxpayers, or all nationals, are issued with a UTR or NINO.
VAT ID Number
There are four different options for UK VAT formats:
- Country code "GB" and three digits and four digits and two digits
GBddd dddd dd
- Country code "GB" and three digits and four digits and two digits and three digits
GBddd dddd dd ddd
(used for branch traders) - Country code "GB" and the letters "GD" and three digits 000-499
(used for government agencies) - Country code "GB" and the letters "HA" and three digits 500-999
(used for health organizations)
Updated over 2 years ago