Bank and Financial Identifiers
ABA Routing Number
A nine-digit number which identifies financial institutions within the United States. The policy matches on numbers within 100 terms of one or more of the following proximity keywords:
aba | aba # | aba routing # | aba routing number | american bank association routing number | americanbankassociationrouting # | bankroutingnumber | routing transit number |
abarouting # | RTN | aba number | bank routing number | americanbankassociationroutingnumber | american bank association routing # | bankrouting # | abaroutingnumber |
International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
IBANs are used in the European Union, most other European countries, and are recognized and acknowledged by Canada and the United States as a form of identifying an individual during an international transfer of money. The IBAN identifies the specific banks of the transfer and the individuals' accounts.
- Two-digit country ISO code + two checksum digits (
) + Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) - BBAN is broken down into:
- National bank codec
- account numbers
- branch codex
- national check digit
SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) Code
SWIFT codes are assigned by the SWIFT System to international banks or financial institutions for the transferral of money across borders. The SWIFT code is also known as the bank identifier code (BIC), SWIFT ID, or ISO 9362 code. The code is divided into sections:
4 letters (bank code) + 2 letters (country code) + 2 digits (location code) + 3 optional alphanumeric characters (branch code).
Must be within 100 terms of one or more of the following keywords:
international organization for standardization 9362 | iso 9362 | iso9362 | swift# | swiftcode | swiftnumber | Organisation internationale de normalisation 9362 | rapide # |
swiftroutingnumber | swift code | swift number# | swift routing number | bic number | bic code | code identificateur de banque | code SWIFT |
bic# | bank identifier code | 標準化 9362 | 迅速 # | SWIFTコード | SWIFT番号 | BIC# | קודסוויפט |
迅速なルーティング番号 | BIC番号 | BICコード | 銀行識別コードのための国際組織 | swift numéro d'acheminement | le numéro BIC | le numéro de swift |
Updated over 5 years ago