UK Personal Identifiers
UK Bank Account Number
The UK BBAN (Basic Bank Account Number) identifies individual bank accounts by institution and branch.
18 characters: 4 letters (bank identifier) + 6 digits (branch identifier) + 8 digits (account number)
Must be within 100 terms of one to more of the following keywords:
bank account | account number | account no |
UK Driver's License Number
16 characters, following this rough pattern:
- First 5 are letters, padded with 9s on the right
- Any 1 digit
- Any 1 of 0, 1, 5, 6
- Any 1 digit
- Any two digits that range from 01-31
- Any 1 digit
- 3 letters, padded with 9s on the right
- Last two are letters
Must be within 100 terms of one or more of the following keywords:
DVLA | photocard licence | learner drivers | licence holder | licence holders | licence number | driver's license | drivers license |
license number | driving licences | driving licenses | driving licence | driving license | driver's licence | drivers licence |
UK International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
GBkk bbbb ssss sscc cccc cc
with optional spaces and dashes. On occasion other letters in place of "GB" country code may be used.
Must be within 100 terms of one or more of the following keywords:
international bank account number | international bank account | Bank account | bank account number | iban | financial |
payment | account | bank | international money | money transfers | country code |
uk | united kingdom | britain | british |
UK National Insurance Number (NINO)
2 formats:
- Seven or nine characters: 2 letters + 6 digits + A or B or C or D or F or M
- 2 letters + space or dash or period + 2 digits + space or dash or period + 2 digits + space or dash or period + 2 digits + space or dash or period + A or B or C or D or F or M
Must be within 100 terms of one or more of the following keywords:
national insurance number | national insurance contributions | protection actinsurance | social security number | insurance application | medical application | nino | ni | nin | insurance no. |
social insurance | medical attention | social security | great britain | insurance | insurance no. | medical application | insurance number | insurance# | insurancenumber |
UK Passport Number
Nine consecutive digits ddddddddd
and on occasion does accept letters.
Must be within 100 terms of one or more of the following keywords:
passport | identification for international travel | passport details | visa | national identity card | passport number | gbr | british subject | british citizen |
travel document | issuing authority | british passport | uk passport | hm passport office | date of birth | passport number | passportno. | passportid |
expiration | identification | proof of identification | i.d. | passport# | britain | united kingdom | great britain | gb |
UK Postcode
The UK postal code is broken up into two sections separated by a space: the Outward and Inward Codes.
Outward code: 1-2 letters (post code area) + 1-2 alphanumeric characters (post code district)
Inward code: 1 digit (post code sector) + 2 letters (post code unit)
Possible formats:
ld dll
ldd dll
ldl dll
lld dll
lldd dll
lldl dll
address | residency | location | postal | royal mail | post code |
zip code | postcode sector | postcode unit | code-point open | postcode district | postcode area |
Updated about 2 years ago