Canada Identifiers
Canada Bank Account Number
Five to twelve digits. The number must be found within 100 terms of one or more of the following keywords:
canada savings bonds | canada revenue agency | canadian financial institution | direct deposit form | canadian citizen | legal representative | direct deposit |
notary public | commissioner for oaths | child care benefit | universal child care | canada child tax benefit | income tax benefit | banking information |
harmonized sales tax | social insurance number | income tax refund | child tax benefit | territorial payments | institution number | deposit request |
Canada Passport Number
Two uppercase letters followed by 6 digits. AAdddddd
The number must be found within 100 terms of one or more of the following keywords:
canadian citizenship | canadian passport | passport application | passport photos | certified translator | canadian citizens | Passport# | passeport |
processing times | renewal application | Passport Number | Passport No | PassportID | Passportno | passport | passportnumber |
Canada Personal Health Identification Number (PHIN)
Canadian PHINs are issued to individuals wishing to receive benefits from Universal Healthcare. Nine digits ddddddddd
within 100 terms of one or more of the following keywords:
social insurance number | health information act | income tax information | manitoba health | health registration | prescription purchases | health and wellness | practitioner referral | wellness professional |
benefit eligibility | personal health | power of attorney | registration number | personal health number | practitioner referal | patient referral | patient referal |
Canadian Social Insurance Number
Canadian SINs are issued to individuals who work or receive benefits in Canada. The number consists of three sets of three digits separated by optional spaces or hyphens.
sin | social insurance | numero d'assurance sociale | sins | ssn | ssns | csin | soc ins | social ins | ins # |
numero d'assurance social | social security | national identification number | national id | sin# | sin # | ins# | pensions | pension |
Updated about 2 years ago