Japan Identifiers
Japan Bank Account Number
3 digit branch code + 7 digit account number
Must be found within 100 terms of one or more of the following keywords:
Checking Account Number | Checking Account | Checking Account # | Checking Acct Number | Checking Acct # | Checking Acct No. |
Checking Account No. | Bank Account Number | Bank Account | Bank Account # | Bank Acct Number | Bank Acct # |
Bank Acct No. | Bank Account No. | Savings Account Number | Savings Account | Savings Account # | Savings Acct Number |
Savings Acct # | Savings Acct No. | Savings Account No. | Debit Account Number | Debit Account | Debit Account # |
Debit Acct Number | Debit Acct # | Debit Acct No. | Debit Account No. | #アカウントの確認 | 口座番号を当座預金口座の確 |
勘定番号の確 | #勘定の確 | 勘定番号の確 | 口座番号の確 | 銀行口座番 | 銀行口 |
銀行口座 | 銀行の勘定番 | 銀行 | 銀行の勘定いい | デビット口座番 | 普通預金口座番 |
預金口 | 貯蓄口座 | 貯蓄勘定の | 貯蓄勘定 | 貯蓄勘定番 | デビッ |
引き落とし口座番 | 口座番 | 口座番号 | デビットacct番 | デビット勘定 |
Japan Driver's License Number
12 digits dddddddddddd
where one or more of the following keywords is found within 100 terms:
dl # | DL # | dls # | DLS # | Driver Lic # | Driver Licence # | Driver'sLicence | Driver'sLicences # |
Driver Lic | Driver Licence | Driver Licences # | Driver Licences | driver license | driver licenses | Driver'sLicences | Driver'sLics # |
Driver Lics # | Driver' Lic # | Driver' Lic | Driver' Licence # | Driver' Licence | Driver' Licences # | Driver'sLics | DriverLic # |
Driver' Licences | Driver' Lics # | Driver' Lics | Driver'Lic # | Driver'Lic | Driver'Licence # | DriverLicence # | DriverLicence |
Driver'Licence | Driver'Licences # | Driver'Licences | Driver'Lics # | Driver'Lics | Driver's Lic # | DriverLicences # | DriverLicences |
Driver's Lic | Driver's Licence # | Driver's Licence | Driver's Licences # | Driver's Licences | driver's license | DriverLics # | Drivers Lic # |
driver's licenses | Driver's Lics # | Driver's Lics | Driver'sLic # | Driver'sLic | Driver'sLicence # | Drivers Lic | Drivers Licence # |
Drivers Licence | drivers license | Drivers Lics | DriversLicence # | DriversLicences | DriversLics # | lic # | licence |
Drivers Licences # | drivers licenses | DriversLic # | DriversLicence | driving licence | international driving permit | LIC # | license |
Drivers Licences | Drivers Lics # | DriversLic | DriversLicences # | driving | international driving permits | lics # | lisence |
lisense | state id | state identification | 免許 | 状態の識 | 運転免 | 運転免許証番 | 運転免許 |
permet | state identification number | 低所得国 | 状 | 状態の識別番 | 運転免許 |
Japan My Number (個人番号)
Twelve-digit number with optional spaces issued to all citizens and residents. dddddddddddd
Must be within 100 terms of one or more of the following keywords:
マイナンバー | My Number | マイ ナンバー |
Japan Passport Number
Two letters + seven digits llddddddd
which must be found within 100 terms with one or more of the following keywords:
パスポート | パスポート番号 | パスポートeNum | パスポート # | Passport Number | Passport No |
Passport # | PassportID | Passportno | passportnumber | passport |
Japan Resident Registration Number
The Residents Basic Registry Network is a Japanese government system for the purpose of recording individuals and families. Foreigners residing in Japan are also issued a number which can be used for identification purposes. ddddddddddd
Resident Registration Number | Resident Register Number | Residents Basic Registry Number | Resident Registration No. | Residents Basic Registry No. | Basic Resident Register No. |
住民登録番号、登録番号を | 住民基本登録番号、登録番号 | 住民基本レジストリ番号を常駐 | 登録番号を常駐住民基本台帳登録番号 |
Japan Social Insurance Number
All registered residents of Japan are issued a SIN and enrolled in one of the appropriate social health care and pension insurance systems.
4 digits + optional hyphen + 6 digits or 7-12 digits with one or more of the following keywords within 100 terms:
Social Insurance No. | Social Insurance Num | Social Insurance Number | 国民保険番号 | 国民保険 |
Updated about 2 years ago