
SNMP Monitoring

The Umbrella virtual appliance (VA) supports the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). You configure and enable SNMP in the Umbrella VA to monitor the health of the VA and provide connectivity statistics. The Umbrella VA supports both SNMPv2c and SNMPv3. SNMP monitoring of a VA is disabled by default.

Table of Contents

Enable SNMP Monitoring

In the Umbrella VA, the SNMP configuration supports the SHA-1, DES-128, and AES-128 algorithms.


Configure SNMPv2 with the config snmp command, for example:
config snmp configure -v2 <options> <args>

If your Umbrella VA uses SNMP version 2.3 or earlier, configure SNMP with the support snmp command, for example:
support snmp <options> <args>


When you configure SNMPv3 in your VA, provide a username and password. All other parameters are optional.

Configure SNMPv3 with the config snmp command, for example:
config snmp configure -v3 <options> <args>

Privacy Password

The SNMP privacy password must be alphanumeric with a minimum length of 8 characters and a maximum length of 255 characters. Special characters are not supported.


If the privacy password includes a backslash (\) or an exclamation point (!), you must enclose the sequence of characters in single quotes.

Configure SNMP in Umbrella Virtual Appliance

  1. Enter the Configuration Mode on the VA. Use the configure option with the SNMP command. See the SNMP Command Syntax for the list of command-line arguments.
  2. Enable SNMP monitoring.
    config snmp enable
  3. Enter exit to return to the VA console.

SNMP Command Syntax

Usage : config snmp <options> <args>
         options has to be one of the following -
         configure      -v2 [ -c '<community string>' ]
                            Enables SNMP v2
                            * c - Community string; Default public
                        -v3 -u '<username>' -p '<password>' [-a [MD5|SHA] -x [AES|DES] -X [password]]
                            Enables SNMP v3 with username and password
                            * u - Username consist of alphanumeric characters up to 32 characters.
                            * p - Password consist of alphanumeric characters 8 to 12 characters.
                            * a - Optional password hash algorithm; Default SHA
                            * x - Optional encryption algorithm; Default AES
                            * X - Privacy password to be used along with AES algorithm. Should consist of alpanumeric characters of 8 to 255 characters. Special Characters are not supported.
         enable         Enable the SNMP.
         disable        Disable the SNMP.
         status         Show SNMP service status and Version information.
         -h, --help     Display this usage information. 

Please read the Cisco Technical Content Style Guide for information about command syntax conventions.

About SNMP Monitoring

The Umbrella VA listens on port 161 for SNMP queries. The VA supports SNMP monitoring of:

  • Health statistics—CPU, load, memory, disk space, and status.
  • Connectivity statistics—Connectivity to Umbrella resolvers, connectivity to the local DNS servers, connectivity to the Active Directory (AD) connector, and connectivity to the Umbrella API.

Standard OIDs Supported by the Virtual Appliance

Load-1 (1 minute load): .
Load-5 (5 minute load): .
Load-15 (15 minutes load): .
If the five minute load is consistently greater than .75 of the number of processor cores, the VA is running short of processing power.
Percentage of user CPU time: .
Percentages of system CPU time: .
Percentages of idle CPU time: .
Memory UtilizationUCD-SNMP-MIB::memory
Available swap: .
Total swap: .
If the ratio of Available swap to Total swap is consistently lower than 0.5, the VA is running low on memory.
Disk UsagePercentage of space used on data portion of disk: . the disk usage in percentage.


The Umbrella VA supports the querying of the system OIDs ( to

Extended OIDs Supported by the Virtual Appliance

VA status (thisdns).
Connectivity to Umbrella resolvers (dns).
Connectivity to local DNS servers (localdns).
Connectivity to Umbrella dashboard (cloud).
Connectivity to AD connectors (ad).
Queries per second over last 5 minutes*.
Queries per second over last 15 minutes*.

The asterisk (*) denotes an OID which returns the throughput of the VA—the number of queries handled per second.

For the first 5 OIDs in the table above, search for the following sub-strings in the output:

  • green—Indicates a status of Okay.
  • red—Indicates a status of Not Okay.
  • yellow—indicates a status of Partially Okay.
  • white—indicates a status of Not Configured.


If an SNMP probe against any of these OIDs results in a timeout, we recommend that you increase the timeout value when issuing the probe.

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