
Block Page IP Addresses

When Umbrella blocks a domain or URL, our DNS resolvers display a block page instead of the requested page. Umbrella provides different types of block page depending on the security event. The following table describes the block page types, record types, and Anycast IP addresses for the Umbrella servers.

Block Page TypeRecord TypeIP Address
Domain ListA146.112.61.104
Domain ListAAAA::ffff:
Command and Control CallbackA146.112.61.105
Command and Control CallbackAAAA::ffff:
Content Category or ApplicationA146.112.61.106
Content Category or ApplicationAAAA::ffff:
Security Integrations, Newly Seen Domains, DNS Tunneling VPN, Potentially Harmful, and Dynamic DNSA146.112.61.110
Security Integrations, Newly Seen Domains, DNS Tunneling VPN, Potentially Harmful, and Dynamic DNSAAAA::ffff:

Note: If you have configured Block Page Bypass, the Umbrella servers could use any one of the Umbrella data center IP addresses.

Redirect to a Custom Block Page < Block Page IP Addresses > Set Up a Block Page Bypass User