Configure Security Settings
Security Settings let you determine which categories of security threats are blocked by Umbrella, to which organizations these settings are shared, and how they are applied. For a description of each security category, see Security Categories. You may already be familiar with these categories from configuring security settings for your individual customer's policies within their organization through the Umbrella dashboard at Policies > Security Settings.
- Navigate to Centralized Settings > Security Settings.

- Click Add a Setting or expand an existing security setting.

- Give your security setting a meaningful name and then select the security categories you'd like enabled.
By default, we recommend leaving these settings 'as is' for most orgs; however, if you're interested in creating tiers of protection for your organizations, you can certainly change these settings to match the org's protection requirements.
Note: Orgs with Umbrella dashboard access are able to see the centralized setting but cannot modify it. - Click Continue.
- Select the organizations with whom you want to share this security setting and click Continue.
When shared with an organization, these settings become available in the organization's Umbrella dashboard and can be selected when configuring policies. You can also choose not to share this setting with orgs by clicking Continue without selecting any organizations.

- From the Policy Settings page, choose how you would like to have this security setting applied to the Umbrella policies of both your existing organizations and any new organizations you might add. Choose from the following options:
- Set as Default Setting—If selected, this security setting will be applied to the default policy of any new organizations. This setting is not applied to the default policy of existing organizations in Umbrella.
Note: You must always have at least one default security setting. A security setting that has Set as Default Setting selected cannot be deleted until that setting has been de-selected. - Apply to Default Policy—When selected, this security setting is applied only to the default Umbrella policy of the organizations you selected in the previous step—Share with Organizations. All other Umbrella policies for the selected organizations remain the same.
- Apply to All Policies—When selected, this security setting is applied to all of the Umbrella policies for the organizations you selected in the previous step—Share with Organizations. This includes the selected organizations' default policy.
Note: When you select Apply to all Policies, the next time you access this setting it appears that it has reset to Apply to Default Policy. It has not and your Umbrella policies are not changed. Once configured, to change Apply to All Policies to Apply to Default Policy, you must select Apply to Default Policy and click Save & Close.

- Click Continue.
- Review your security settings and click Save & Close.
Each link under Share Summary opens a modal window that lets you view which organizations will share these security settings.

Configure Content Settings < Configure Security Settings > Configure Advanced Settings
Updated about 1 year ago