
Copy and Customize a Data Identifier

You can copy a built-in data identifier and change the threshold and proximity on the copy to create your own customized data identifier. For a list of built-in data identifiers, see Built-in Data Identifiers.



  1. Navigate to Policies > Policy Components > Data Classification.
  1. Expand a Data Classification, then expand a built-in data identifier within that classification and click COPY and CUSTOMIZE.
  1. Give the new data identifier a meaningful name and description. (Umbrella provides a default name which we recommend changing.)
  1. For Threshold, specify the number of instances of this identifier that must match in a document for Umbrella to generate an incident.
    A threshold of 10, for example, only generates an incident if 10 instances of the identifier are found in the file. (The legal range is 1-1000.)
  1. For Proximity, specify up to 10 proximity keywords to match against the pattern. If you specify proximity keywords, Umbrella will not generate an incident unless at least one of the occurrences of a matching term or pattern appears within 10 terms of a proximity keyword.
    Then click Add.
  1. Click Save.

The custom identifier appears under Custom Identifiers when creating or editing a data classification. (See Create a Data Classification Using a Template or Create a Data Classification Without a Template).



The pattern field is the built-in regular expression designed for this identifier and cannot be edited.

Built-In Data Identifiers< Copy and Customize a Data Identifier > Create a Custom Identifier