
Delete Customer CA Signed Root Certificate

When you delete your own non-Umbrella CA-signed certificate from Umbrella, identities configured to use that certificate can no longer use it and Umbrella defaults to either the Cisco Umbrella root certificate or another non-Umbrella CA signed root certificate—if added to Umbrella. If a trusted certificate is not found, an error page is presented. This means that for any circumstance where Umbrella must proxy and decrypt HTTPS traffic intended for a website and a trusted certificate is not found, an error page is presented. For example, an Umbrella block page may no longer be displayed.

In circumstances where a specific identity is configured to use a different certificate than the certificate set at the top-level for that identity, Umbrella reverts to using the certificate set at the top level.

816 1020



  1. Navigate to Deployments > Configuration > Root Certificate.
  1. Expanded a listed certificate entry and click Delete.
  1. Click Delete again to confirm your delete.
    The certificate is deleted from Umbrella and can no longer be used by identities selected to use it.

Upload CA Signed Root Certificate < Delete Customer CA Signed Root Certificate > View Cisco Trusted Root Store