
Customize Umbrella's PAC File

To bypass internal domains, you must customize Umbrella's PAC file by adding these domains to it. This can be achieved using the Umbrella dashboard rather than having to manually edit the PAC file.

Umbrella copies internal domains configured in the Umbrella dashboard (Deployments > Configuration > Domain Management) to the PAC file so that these internal domains are not sent to the proxy. Besides internal domains, you can add external domains to the Umbrella PAC file.

Umbrella supports IP-based domains. You must enter the IP in the browser’s address bar as the domain portion of the URL. For example, The PAC file does not resolve a domain to IP before matching an IP-based domain for bypass.


  • Full admin access to the Umbrella dashboard. See Manage User Roles.
  • To download the Umbrella PAC file or custom PAC files, connect to Umbrella on a fixed Network. Register your fixed networks with Umbrella.


Copy the url for the default Umbrella PAC file or a custom PAC file that you uploaded to Umbrella. Then paste the PAC file URL in a browser search bar and edit the file.

Copy the Umbrella PAC File

  1. Navigate to Policies > Management > Web Policy, and then click Global Settings.

  2. For Umbrella PAC File, click Copy to get the URL for the default PAC file.

Download the Umbrella PAC File

  1. Paste the PAC file URL into the browser's address bar, and then press Enter / Return.
    The browser downloads the PAC file.

Edit the PAC File

  1. Open the downloaded PAC file with a text editor, update it with domains to be bypassed, and then save the PAC file.
  2. Add the internal domains that the web proxy will bypass to the PAC file, and then save the file.
    Note: Provide a comma-delimited list of domain names and surround each domain name in the list with quotation marks. The wildcard character asterisk * is supported and treated as any value of any length. Use extreme caution when using this wildcard as well as periods. For example, * bypasses,, and * bypasses as well as
  3. Save the PAC file.
//------------------------Customer Section------------------------
    //Add your internal domains within quotations marks like ""
    //after the right parenthesis below. Please remove the two examples
    //below and add your own internal domains.

    var dont_proxy_customer_list = new Array(

    //Warning to Administrators: Touching any section after this point might
    //affect your users browsing experience and lead to considerable number
    //of issues and loading your customer support.
    //---------------------End Customer Section-----------------------

Deploy Umbrella's PAC File for Mac < Customize Umbrella's PAC File > Upload Custom PAC Files to Umbrella